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Show I for $1,000 Damages M i -. I,. I PETITIONS MRS. JACOBSEN. I At the regular meeting of the Lo- I gan city council Wednesday evening H Mrs. Hannah .Tacobson presented a I lengthy position setting forth a series I of Injuries received a few weeks ago I as a result of driving oIT the road I aiotind the temple hill, the dugway. I The petition set forth that Mrs. I Jacobsen used ccry precaution to I keep In the road, but that owing to I the condition of the toad from which jjravel had been taken until it was dangeious, she unavoidedly droe ov- ' , ft the edge of the same and fell some Hv "Ivor eight feeb Into a gravel pit, Jl sustaining Injuries that she lay in II the snow for a half hour, until assls-II assls-II tancc arrived. The petition also II stated that she has undergone severe H pain and anguish and has been to eon-H eon-H sldcrablc expense as a lcsult of the accident, for which she was not re-' re-' I sponsible. She asked the council to l pay her $1,000. The matter was roll ro-ll ieired to the committee on claims. Jos. M. Wilson appeared In behalf of the petitioners for a three foot sidewalk side-walk from First South on the West s.ldc of Main. President Llndqulst read a petition against the same.it being be-ing stated that the petitioners desired de-sired to wait until they could put down a six foot walk. A perusal of the names lcvealcd the fact that most of the pctltloneis were not affected, lience counted for but little. At this Juncture a repot t of the committee on streets relative to this matter was read. This advised that the petition be granted pioviding the petitioners will put down a four-foot walk Instead of a three. On motion of Mr. Carlisle icportof committee was accepted. J. II. Edwards applied for liquor 11-cense. 11-cense. The same was granted. I Co-op Grocery and Drug Co. was granted wholesale liquor licence. Hlter Ilros. was granted wholesale liquor license. , J. It. Edwards applied for license to conduct bllllaid hall on Center street. On motion of Hansen same was granted. grant-ed. A petition asking that flans Chrls-tensen Chrls-tensen be granted the prlvllcgcof running run-ning an expiess wagon without paying license was refei red to committee on license. Petltloneis from the Seventh waid asked the privilege of wot king out their road lax by placing gtavel on sidewalks and streets In that ward. Referred to committee on streets. Mrs. .r. C. Green presented a petition peti-tion asking for assistance on account of Inconveniences and expenses during dur-ing a three weeks quarantine. She set forth that she has been at an expense ex-pense of $1)1 and on account of quarantine quar-antine has had no levenue. The matter mat-ter was refened to the city board of health. City Watermaster Holt piesented his quarterly report. The same shows assessments amounting to$l500. The water sstem Is in general good repair, but the canal to the reservoir his been damaged by slides of rock and earth. Mr. Holt recommends that the old wooden pipes at the west end of First South stieet be replaced re-placed with four Inch iron pipes for a distance of about sixty rods. Ten applications for water have been received re-ceived for this month. Fire Chief Robblns reported one fire during the quarter, In a dwelling occupied by Albert Jenkins. City Poundkecper Gnehm made his repoi t. City Justice Cardon made his report which shows (H) pilsoncrs brought Into couit, number convicted 57,acqulttuls 3, sentences suspended (). A total of $204.10 In lines and fotfeltuies Is the financial report of this depaitmcnt. Gotlleb Smith, City Sexton, report-ed report-ed deaths as follows: Males l, females fe-males 12, under 1 jeur It; 1 to 5 years old 1; over27jeais old 11. Nativity, Utah born 12, England :i, Denmark 1, Sweden L, Scotland 1. Cause, pneumonia pneu-monia 7, general debility :i, heart disease 1, asthma 2, whooping cough 1, stomach Double 1, picmatuie birth 2, lhcumatlsm 1, meulgctls 1, odema larynx 1. City Attorney Keeler reported an examination of Justice's dockets in . i matter of claim of II. A. Pedersonof 4 $lft for affidavits made out during tlmo Logan had no attomoj. He s.tjs that the liooksshow foity affidavits, and Attorney Keeler gave It as his opinion that 25c each is a fair cluugc. Mr. Pedersen's claim wascutto$10. Apptopilations weio made fiom the electric light rund and general fund. Mr. II. E. Hatch objected to several bills of the latter and theie was some lively tilting for awhile. A bill of special officer Fames for $45 caused Mr. Hatch to Inquire who omplojcd him. It developed that none knew, other than that he was largely under Instiuctlons from the health officer and Marshal and had been for jears. Mr. Hatch moved that his claim be stricken strick-en from the list until Investigation could be made. Mr. Evans offered the explanation that he had consulted with the health officer concerning Mi. F.unes, and that gentleman had stated to him that while he was not alwavs em-(Contlnued em-(Contlnued on fifth page.) City Council. (Concluded from 1st pagil) ployed by iheiu, yet so much of his time was occupied In fumigating and (luaranllnlng that he could not seek other labor, consequently felt that his bill of u: was Just and O. K.'d It. Mr. Evans also stated that It was the City Physician's desire that Mr. Fames be placed under his direction entirely and that he could then use him to tho gratest advantage in having hav-ing the city kept clean. Mayor Robinson made the statement state-ment that It might not be advisable to raise an objection at this time If it would unsettle matters any, as Mr. Fames was at that time at the A. C. dormitory where small pox has broken out and there is fear of an epidemic at present. Councilman Carlisle warmed up and spoke in defense of Fames; said lie believed be-lieved he earned the money and should be paid. Said it might be advisable to Investigate later. And then Mr. Hatch fell all over himself. In a voice slightly lalsed fiom his usual modest tone, he urged that he wanted nothing but regulaiity (which is eminently proper) but the gentleman added that "only the other day a man said to him that any old bill could be presented and the committees com-mittees would O. K. It," and "1 am INCLINED TO HELIKVi: IT IS AIIOUT luoiiT," thus casting a serious and unwarranted rcllcction. Messrs. Quayle and Hell told him so, and none could doubt that Mr. Hell meant it thoroughly. Mr. Hatch's motion to strike out the claim was lost for want of a second. sec-ond. KVANB OIUECTS. A Dill from Hltcr Uros. for fumigating fumigat-ing truck, etc., offered Mr. Kvans the opportunity to kick. He asked whether Hlter's were selling at wholesale. whole-sale. Mr. Lindquist said that some portion of the stuff was listed at a price less than he could huy It. Mr. Evans stated that he had secured prices pri-ces at tlnee drugstores and that he could buy the stuph for much less. The bill passed. MIC. HATCH arose to another objection the meals furnished election judges. There was a little talk about this and finally dropped. Mr. natch also found something wrong with Tin-: Rki-uhlican's bill of $47 "something he couldn't quite understand." A portion of the bill was allowed and the remainder left until Mr. Turner comes home from Salt Lake. Mr. Hatch tried very hard to find Mr. Turner, but he was out of town. Mr. Hatch also Inquired as to city poundkeeper's bill, and Mr. Gnclun, who was present, read the riot act for five minutes. His bill went through. Heretofore, bills have been accepted up to the very minute of council meeting, meet-ing, and in this way committees have been placed at tnc disadvantage of having to go over them hurriedly and without proper inspection. A resolution was adopted at this meeting meet-ing requiring that all blllsshall be presented pre-sented at least three days before the night on which appropriation Is desired. de-sired. This will give ample opportunity opportun-ity for careful scrunlty and do away with much of the wrangling that Is a portion of every appropriation night. The public should take cognizance of this new turn in affairs and get their bills to the recorder's office at least three days bcfoic the regular council meeting on the llrst Wednesday of each month. The bond of Mr. Orson Smith was read and accepted. Messrs. John II. Anderson and James W. Quayle arc sureties for the W,000 asked for. Mr. Peter Ellason presented a petition peti-tion for the opening of a street on Fourth West between Fifth and S'-West S'-West and made a talk in ' same. It was referred A Petition of Mi z.ell set forth that I too much for havlni cursed and officer and at amount $15.00 be refin tlon that same be not gnu City Attorney Keeler i that the city had sold moi than it owns, certain rights-t doesn't possess. The matter f erred to Committee on Oioundsfor investigation. THIS CITY LIGHT. Mayor Robinson said that the i plant and system is practically rea for operation and as the contract wit the Hercules people calls for a thlrtv days notice before cutting out the street lights, he advised that this notice no-tice bo given at once. A motion to that affect passed unanimously. Mr. Robinson i said there aie a few little llnlshlng touches yet to be accomplished, ac-complished, but that these would take but a few days. The water has not yet been turned Into the pipe, and to properly soak tho samo will require about ten days, after this tho city lights can be turned on at any time. The machinery expert from the east has his work practically finished. |