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Show The Newest In Skirts. For tho benefit of tho moro men, wo roproduco tho explanation of a Now York dressmaker as to how women will manago to walk in tho new spring suits, which nro mado as long in tho front as thoy aro In tho back and that Is Just flvo Inches on tho ground. A circular flounco of canvas is set nil round tho bottom of the skirt lnstdo, reaching up to tho knees. "When In roposo," says tho dressmaker, "tho skirl flares out around tho feet, lying about flvo Inches ou tho Iloor all 'round. Naturally, a stop forward without canvns and wl'hout a kick would cntnnglo tho wearer lu n mass of frills and ruffles, but tho canvas and tho kick Bnvo her. Sho 'gives tho canvas Just tho least llttlo kick with tho too ...' hor slipper, tho cnnvnB-backed cnnvnB-backed rulllo swings out In advance and enables her to tt'ko i stop with' out stopping on tho Bklrt." How lovo lyl |