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Show AFTER THfc BIO FIRE. Humor of Incidents in Connection With Baltimore Conflagration. On Water street, near South, the big granite-based buildings wero mns'fi-cd mns'fi-cd to n muss of barely rocognlzabfn ruins. In ono of thorn, however, right over tho door wny to thu sldo was a big sign. All nbout UiIh sign demolition demoli-tion wns spread by tho wild fury of the flames nnd fnlllng walls, nnd tho building looked like It had been nt tho mercy of a miniature Kansas cyclono. But Just tho samo, like tho celebrated flag In Krnncls Scott Key's Immortal song, tho sign wns still thero, and It read, "For Rent Doslrnblo Offices In tho Bnsoraent. ' Tho bnsoment, or what was loft of It, was all that remained of the former flve-storled building. Not a block awny was another peculiar pe-culiar freak of tho tiro. Thcro was a cigar storo on tho corner of Lombard and South streets, In front of which thcro was evidently a sign advertis ing a certain brand of cigars. The building was In ruins. Every sign of llfo was destroyed. Ruined buildings and fallen electric wires mado pas-sago-way very difficult, but tho advertisement, adver-tisement, or at least a great portion of It, was still observable. Tho lowor part of the sign stood out lu strong relief, reading, "Tho Best Smoko In Town. Baltimoro World. |