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Show Savings Bond Sales For March j Hit Eleven Year Peak ' "Utah's greatest savings bond month in 11 years," was 1he enthusiastic en-thusiastic statetment of Frederick Freder-ick 1. Champ. Logan, state savings sav-ings bond chairman, upon reviewing re-viewing the sales for March Just received from the Federal Re-, Re-, serve Bank of San Francisco. Pur chases of series E and II savings bonds In Utah during March were $2,400,403, the highest single sin-gle month's sales report since the end of 1915, Mr. Champ point-ed point-ed out. Francis W. Beters'on, Iron County savings bond chairman, reported that purchases of E and II savings bonds In this county during March were $2,487, bringing bring-ing the total for the first quarter quar-ter of the year to $22,361. or 22.4 per cent of the county's 1956 quo-ta. |