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Show , HILITES ! JUNIOR By Cynthia Williams Last Sunday evening the Junior Jun-ior High Seminary class presented present-ed a lovely program for the third session of the Cedar Stake LDS Quarterly Conference. It was a jvery well done and worth while program. It was entirely student directed except for the help of Rex Spackman, seminary teacher. teach-er. On the directing committee were Gaylee Sherratt, Ada Marie Wood, Beverley Jones and Phil Yergensen. The subject the program pro-gram was centered around wa3 the Old Ttestament. Highlights of this subject were brought out through a panel discussion, songs, skits and tape recordings. We would surely like to commend com-mend them on their fine work and also for the Interest that they have taken in their Seminary Semin-ary classes this year. The primaries for Student Body elections are being held today. The students who win In these 'ejections will be on the ballots for the final election. Those who get the most votes In the final election will fill the offices of president, vice president, secretary, secre-tary, athletic manager, eheif of safety and Judge. We are very nroud of our student government and would like to express our 'inks and appreciation for the fine Job that the out-going officers' offi-cers' have done In cooperating with the faculty and serving the students. fl Last Monday evening a group of people from the Junior High visited the Kiwanls Club of Cedar Ce-dar City and presented a very Interesting In-teresting program. The purpose of the program was to let the club members know what we are doing In school. Mr. Rulon Wood-bury Wood-bury was In charge of the meeting meet-ing and the students periormeu In a very pleasing manner. Helen Stokes spoke on Journalism and Margene Hanslnk gave a short report of the Home Economics department. Carl Taylor represented repre-sented the Wild Life Club, Curtis Atkln the Photography Class, Eugene Davis the Industrial Arts' department, and Ricky Lawrence spoke on uranium and Its resources. re-sources. Musical numbers Includ-ed Includ-ed a piano solo by David Randall, Ran-dall, a vocal solo by Cynthia WU-llams, WU-llams, and two numbers were sung by the Ninth Grade Sextet, that consisted of Susan Bird, Marjorie Crabtree, Annette Seaman, Sea-man, Ann Sherratt. Jo, Ann Lunt and Nancy Petty. It was a lovelv program and the members were very Impressed. |