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Show RubyBunderson Takes Over BPW Club Helm Ruby Bunderson was elected president of the Business and Professional Women's Club of Ce-dar Ce-dar City at the organization's meeting held at El Escalante Hotel on April 12. Mrs. Bunderson succeeds Ellen Bulloch as head of the professional group, j Other. officers elected to serve during the coming fiscal year Include In-clude Lulu Atkln, vice president; Louise Corry. corresponding sec retary; Margaret Carpenter, recording re-cording secretary, and Marian Arns, treasurer. Outgoing officers, in addition to Mi5. Bulloch, are Carol Johnson, John-son, vice president; Mrs. Bunderson, Bunder-son, corresponding secretary; Pauline Nelson, recording secretary, secre-tary, and Vlda Mackelprang Leigh, treasurer. Program for the evening was presented by Miss Jean Pugmire, faculty member of the College of Southern Utah. Miss Pugmire has served as an Instructor In an army school in Japan. Her talk was on Japan and she had colored col-ored slides to Illustrate the peo- p!i, ths COUUtry riH hnmn of I the Japanese people. Musical entertainment was furnished by Ron Munford, Hurricane, Hur-ricane, a student at C S U. He sang the popular songs "Old Man River" and "At Dawning." He was accompanied by Beth Leigh. The program was arranged by the club's International Relations Rela-tions committee Including Isabel Williams, Lydla Harter and De-one De-one Burt. Mrs. Bulloch, outgoing president, presi-dent, reported at the meeting that the club had contributed $100 to the Rheumatic Fever Center Cen-ter in Salt Lake City. Each year the club donates a sizable contribution con-tribution to that project, she explained. |