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Show Alice Mitchell to Lead Local Literary Club The Parowan Literary Club held 1U regular meeting on Wednesday, Wed-nesday, April J at the home of Miss Helen Stones In Paragonah. Mrs. Ethel Eayles assisted Miss Stones as co-hostess for the affair. af-fair. The meeting was the annual business and election meeting with Mrs. Roma Dalley, president, presi-dent, presiding. The members voted to sponsor a girl from the Parowan High School at the annual an-nual Girls' State which is held each year on the campus of USU In Logan. The annual financial report of the club was read by Mrs. Berta Dalton, secretary. The remainder of the time at the meeting was spent in . the, election ol iicW Ci..CCr3 cr coming year, with the results being be-ing as follows: Mrs. Alice Mitchell, president; Mrs. Ruth Boardman, vice president; presi-dent; Mrs. Mable Wllcock, secretary secre-tary and treasurer with Mrs. Phe-be Phe-be Taylor as her assistant; Mrs. Verda H. Adams, parliamentarian. Remaining officers will be appointed ap-pointed by the new officers when the club begins it new year In the fall of 1965. Those who have presided over the club activities during the season which comes 10 a close this spring are Mrs. Max Dalley, president; Mrs. Clifton Taylor, vice president; Mrs. Rulan Dalton, Dal-ton, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Edna Brown as her assistant; and Mrs. Huldah Hulet, parliamentarian. parliamen-tarian. The next meeting of the group will be held In the multi-purpose room of the Elementary School on April 21. This will be held in connection with preparations for the amateur Art Exhibit to be sponsored by the club on April 23, 21 and 25. |