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Show ! Parowan Lions Club Nominate For 1965-66 Officers The regular meeting of the Parowan Par-owan Lions Club was held April 8 at the Parowan Cafe. Minor matters of business were taken care of after which nominations were made for club officers for the coming year with the following fol-lowing Lions receiving the nominations: nom-inations: For president, Don Applegate and Glade Smith; first vic-c president, pres-ident, Ronald Mortcnsen and Ted Burton; second vice president, Caudell Orton and Dan Robison; third vice president. George F. Rowley and Osmer K. Nielsen; tail twister, Clarence Benson, Jr.. David Wllkerson and Howard Walker; lion tamer, Alan Stones and Earl Bunn. Receiving nominations for two-year two-year directors with two to be elected, were Trenton Jones, Wim-mer Wim-mer Mortensen, Gayle Wood and Max Dalley. For one-year directors, direct-ors, with two to bo elected, nominees nom-inees were Charles F. Bentley, Bryce Adams, Robert Miller and Howard Rasmussen. The voting will be conducted and the new officers will be announced an-nounced at the next meeting of I the club to be held on April 22. After the nominations were made the members went to the I high school auditorium for mins-strel mins-strel show practice. I |