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Show City Officials Discuss Bldg. Problems At a reghlar meeting of the Parowan City Council held on Monday evening, the action taken tak-en at a special meeting of the group held the previous weeK was discussed. The meeting had been a joint meeting with the city library board and G. D. Van Ausdal, library building Inspector, Inspec-tor, and was held to discuss a phase of the construction on the new library building. According to Mayor O. K. Nielsen, Niel-sen, It had been the unanimous decision in the previous meeting that the foundation for the new library building, now under construction con-struction should be raised by one foot which the architect had authorized the builder. Carter Bros. Construction Co., to take rff when the foundation had been laid. This additional foot of foundation found-ation was in the original plans and bad been eliminated by the architect without the permission of the library board or city council. coun-cil. Mrs. Clair D. Robinson and Mrs. Ralph Orton, representing the Trl-H Club, met with the Council and requested a contribution contri-bution from the city to help sponsor the annual Easter Egg Hunt. The council authorized n contribution of $100 to assist the sponsoring club In this project. Since there has been some controversy con-troversy on the new sub division ordinance recently passed, it was decided to hold a special meeting meet-ing of the council with the city attorney, the planning commission, commis-sion, and the board of adlust ment tendance t discuss the ordinance. The matter of a manager for the Parowan swimming pool for the coming season was discussed, and it was decided to call for applications for this position in the near future. This position must be filled by a person who is qualified as a life guard. It was also stated at the meeting meet-ing that there are a number of dogs in the city that do not have a license tor 1965. The city marshal mar-shal was instructed to destroy any and all dogs who do not have a valid 1905 license attached at-tached to their collars. Anyone owning a dog which has not been licensed on or before Mar. 31, 19f5, Is subject to n fine of $25 according to the Parowan City dog ordinance. Also, any license paid rtT that da'e t'' sublect to a penalty of $1.00 and will be collected together with the regular license (h of $500 for male or spayed temaie, and $15 for female dogs. |