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Show SUMMIT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spendlove and two children of Las Vegas, Nevadi.. are here spending the holidays with their mother, Mrs. Margaret Allen. Mrs. Esther Austin of Californi' and her three children are l.cre spending the holidays with her par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert White, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Dalley a.ul children went to Newcastle Tuesday to spend the day with their parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilulet. Ivan Wlttwer of Las Vegas spint Clirlstmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Willi.ncon and daughter Jenette were viMtors at the S. W. Peterson home Monday. Mon-day. Mr. and Mrs. Doss Walker of Cedar Ce-dar City spent Christmas day with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Farrow. Ray Grimshaw has returned hotn from California for the holidays. He has been working there for the past several months. ' Howard Dalley is home on leave to spend the holiday season wlt'i his family. Miss Lois Carbrldge has returned to her home In Wyoming to spend the holidays. Miss Wlnnell Dalley, who Is teaching school In Oakland, California, Cali-fornia, Is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dalley of Parowyi Vere visitors at the home of John Dalley Monday. Our Sunday School gave a fine program Sunday and Relief Society members took up the time In Sucra-ment Sucra-ment meeting. Several of our townspeople at tended the musical program In Par-owan Par-owan Sunday. Eugene Urle has been home this week visiting with his mothr, Mrs. Ruth O. Urle. |