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Show Veterans Who Did Not Receive Checks Advised To Report Veterans In the Iron county area, who have not received Veterans subsistence checks, or who hae received reduced checks which they believe to be unjustified, this month are advised to report to the VA immediately, Mr. Howard C. Crom-ar, Crom-ar, contact representative In charge of the VA office at Beaver, announced an-nounced today. According to word received from th regional office In Salt Lake City, about one-half of all Utah veterans veter-ans mistakenly included the a-mount a-mount of their subrJstance in the reports of their earnings for the last three - month period as re quired by the VA in order to enforce recent Congressional legislation establishing es-tablishing total ceilings of $200 for married vets and $175 for single it is blieved that less than 1,000 Utah veterans will be permanently perm-anently affected by the results of the survey, more than 5,000 checks have been either held up completely complete-ly or paid In reduced amounts until he VA can secure the proper figures fig-ures from the Veterans Involved. In all cases where the VA susupects that subsistence figures have been wrongly included in reports, the veterans are being requested by nail to file again. Those veterans In Job-training programs or attending school, who believe that they mistakenly Included Includ-ed subsistence figures, can expedite their cases by immediately sending i note to the effect to the Veterans Administration, Regional Office, 1710 South Redwood Road, Salt Lake Cltv. In addition to the cases listed In .rror abave, the VA also points out that several hundred Utah vets failed fail-ed to submit reports at all by the '.eadllne of November 5, as required requir-ed by law. In such cases the VA can do nothing but wlthhoiu the checks until such reports are received. re-ceived. The VA emphasized the fact that all Utah vets who submitted correct cor-rect reports have been paid on time. |