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Show ELECTRIC CURRENT jjjgjgA The Kohler is a complete, economical, econom-ical, portable power plant for your country home, cabin, camp, motor boat, bam yard or buildings. Also ideally suited for service stations, construction projects and fire fighting. fight-ing. Also for emergency service in hospitals, schools, stores and theatres. thea-tres. Automatic and self-regulating. Operates electric household appliances appli-ances of all kinds. Generates standard stan-dard current as needed (no waste). Can run continuously, at full capacity capa-city and at low fuel cost. Starts at the turn of any switch. Thousands bought by U.S.Government. Many models 600 watts and up, A.C. or D. C. Model D. lHK.W. is shown. We will make recommendations and give an estimate without obligation. Telephone or write. GIVAN'S PHONE 330 Let's Make Our City BEAUTIFUL Prepare for Utah's Centennial We can make Cedar City Utah Most Attractive and Cleanest City by Cleaning Up Fixing Up Painting Up Planting Landscaping COOPERATE DO YOUR PART IN THE BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM A survey will be made of the community. com-munity. Your property shall be Inspected In-spected and recommendations made Beautificatlon Committee iiinriTTT imn re 1141 I'M'H'I I'lll'l MlfiVIV 1111 111.1 LUMI.n.MIJ l-,t),g 1H 1 AT8HOUIe ' SErlsATiOMAL jogSOM ' BARGAINS ARE JHS WMm NEW ) "Step aside" says the Cherub 1947 to Father Time, and it'e New Year with iu gayety, hi friendliness, and its new hope, , , . Which reminds us! You have been very liberal with your patronage in 1946, and we are very grateful indeed. May the New Year be for you an exceptionally excep-tionally happy one. Sprouse-Reitz Co. Inc. A Western Corporation Aluminum Btalna Dark stains on aluminum pans, If not too well established, can be removed re-moved with vinegar water. HQ pan with equal parts of vinegar and water. Bring to bolL Do not try to remove this kind of stain with soap and soda, as it may only be deepened. Never soak aluminum pans In suds. HERE'S TO YOUR. Your friendship and our success are closely interwoven. We hope, in 1947, to strengthen still further these bonds of friendship. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL i (BunatAV Opttca ; II ff W TtmeO SQMf OF OOZ WSMCS M7d fUQ6) Woulo SOW TiNQ tfPtiCtf ?( GOAL I ov Scfouict y THE TIME SHOP wishes you a holiday tilled with the true Spirit of the holiday. May this be a very merry, cheerful and happy New Year for all of you. Thanks for past patronage . . . we're looking forward with pleasure to serving you in the coming year and pledge our sincere Interest In your affairs. n $Sh mill give COMPARE OUR WSTtS CASH StwrtMyPayamts lQOtO CET 1Smm.12im7 $100 $7.54 $ 9.22 $1 AAA $300 22.62 27.67 lljUU $500 37.70 46.12 ;i000 75.41 I 92.25 fnnpl, cmvcnW I fr.wfyn. personal. GmmtndJi Guilt ui incorpohatco 95 N. MAIN ST. Phone 695 . . TOPS FOn QUALITY Pep$i-Cola Company, Long IdandCUy,N.Y. PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF ST. GEORGE Worried -f . About the V Soap Shortage? MINERAL WATER SOFTENER r-i SAVES 50 to 75 ''eD In Soap and Soap Powders .'i V Enoy rain-soft water for all purposes for a penny a day. Mt. Shasta takes small space, installs anywhere, pays for Ituelf 'r ' rVf in savings, and convenience.' Immediatt , detiveryl M$ NO DOWN $2l35 PAYMENT V J) Per Mo. SI GRIMSHAW lU-H APPLIANCE CO. . ask about our introductory offer jNEW YEAR'S AGAIN! 1 SS With its noisy celebrations, laughter laugh-ter and light-heartedness, its moments of thoughtful retrospect and purpose. SS Enjoy the holiday. Accept our thanks for past favors and our good wishes for ... A Harry N?w Yrh Hi- . Roberts Furniture |