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Show CALIFORNIA WOMAN GAINS 35 POUNDS Husband Says He Never in His Life Saw Such a Change in Anyone. "Positively, I never saw anybody improve like my wife since she started start-ed on Tanlac; why she actually gained gain-ed thirty-five pounds in only six J weeks, and if that isn't a wonder, I I don't know what is," said Harry Clifford, Clif-ford, who is in the automobile business busi-ness and lives at 735-A Crocker St., Los Angeles the other day. "For over a year," he continued, "my wife was nothing but a nervous wreck, she had no appetite, and could eat nothing but the lightest kind of diet. Even that would disagree with her and swell her up with gas that pressed so around her heart that she could hardly get her breath. She suffered constantly from spells of nervousness so that she could hardly sleep, and she would get up in the morning feeling tired and depressed so that she would not be fit for a thing all day long. She used to weigh a hundred and twenty-five pounds, but she fell off in a short while till she was but a shadow of her former self, and got down to ninety pounds. She was losing out day by day and became too weak to look after her household duties. In fact, her condition con-dition was so serious thut I felt un-easy un-easy lest she go all to pieces. "Well, about six weeks ago I got a bottle of Tanlac for her, and now she looks like a different woman. Besides Be-sides regaining all her lost weight, she can eat anything she wants without with-out suffering the least bit distress afterwards. Her nerves are in fine shape und she sleeps all night like a child. She never complains of that gas trouble or of shortness of breath and the headaches are all gone and she says she is simply feeling fine in every way. I can well believe it too, for she is bright and cheerful all the time and 1 haven't seen her looking so well in many months. Tunlac is sold in Cedar City by the Cedar City Drug Store and in Paro wan by the Parowan Drug Co. aBBM-BBBBBBaB- DRY ZENSAL MOIST ZENSAL Use one of these clean, odorless ointments for your skin troubles. troub-les. Dry Zensal gives speedy relief to all forma of rdy eczema ec-zema and pimples. Moist Zensal Zen-sal soothes and heals the watery eruptiona. 75c. a jar. I CEDAR CITY DRUG CO. I "" ""5- - a M I High Class V'l fc? STATIONERY 1 Jrff I to Create a Ii WSfyxlT f Wfl w Impression vfvT;iljk iff -flH The Very Latest Styles I It's an old, old saying that the people you write to often judge you by your stationery. And there is a great deal of truth In the M fact that stationery can be so chosen as to ,H reflect tha best of judgment and taste. H Stationery suitable for one occasion may H be entirely out of place for another. Then, H too. the styles in stationery change the same H as styles in clothing. H To be sure that your stationery ts right for HH all purposes, always buy it here. H CEDAR CITY DRUG STORE I I MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY I OF NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE is one of the. most valuable H possessions you can have these days when so many of H the strong and healthy are made the victims of the deadly disease INFLUENZA. H $ See FOSTER & CORRY, at the Bank of Southern H Utah about the policy YOU should have. Everybody I aH must die some time. It may be your turn next H BUY W. S. S. j IH What This BanK Offers fl ITS PATRONS H Safety all accounts guaranteed under the U. H S. Federal Reserve System. HH Service that satisfies. Council of officers with years or experience. M Courtesy to all, rich and poor. M Promptness in all our dealings. M Neatness in all our work. M dvice in all matters of finance. M We can save you in many other ways M too numerous to mention. M We invite you to make this bank your home bank. M Iron Commercial ft Sav's. Bank Cudar City Utah H ffjVfflr:'--' V -s t Tl' BE l-iHc"siIl - y. i 1 1 f ii , jtS 1 Ljfcarrt:uE:HAi. u.s i-. 'v iPlPi.'.J B I Seventeen Thousand Banks I fl I rrH ROUGH the Federal Reserve H M JL System we can collect checks on V H seventeen thousand banks at par and H H in the shortest possible time. I H This is important to you as a depositor B r1S as it means economy and early returns. f& WU H HANK OF SOUTHERN UTAH. iH mm |