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Show MSTRAW HATS Ijlv: HATS FOR THE BABY GIRL , ; Xp ' V :!' -R HATS FOR THE BABY BOY . ' fi . f 8 HATS FOR THE LITTLE MAN iJR ; W H ApTS FOR THE FARMER . DRESS HATS g ! g : QHT STYLES 4 RIGHT PRICES? fl - fl m : : , 8 THE EQUITABLE CO-6P 8 Tm TMLJ&.?SaOEl 3EwflL.3El.H."5r, 3Masifiscr Y Old papers for sale at The Record office, 20c per hundred. . . .. Old newspapers for sale at The Record office. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting, Notice Is hereby iflrcn that a meeting of the HtocklioUlers of the Southern Utah I'tibllnhlufc & Printing Co. will ho held nt Hie company's ofllce In Cellar City, JUtnh, on Monday, May 5th, 1013, t 8 o'clock n. m, of nald day, for the purpose pur-pose of considering the matter of consolidating the printing.' nnd publishing business of Raid company with the printing and puutlxhlnir busl-nes busl-nes of the HxcelMor Publishing Company ol Cedar City. Utah, and talcinsr such nctlou for or acralnatsuch consolidation, ns may be deemed for the het Interest of the company SOUTHHRN Ul'AH PUIIMdlUNG Jt PRINTING CO., 20 Ily CUAH, S. WiLKiwsow, Secretary p i . DR. F. G WHITEHEAD, Veterinarian Will be at U. T. Jones', Cedar City, u few days euoh month Also at Orton Hotel, Parowan, each month. University of Pennsylvania pntd-uato. pntd-uato. Liconsed in Utah. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury ns mercury will surclj' rtostroy tlm aonso of smelt nnd compleloly doranKe tho wholo syutem when cntcrinR It tiiroueh tlio mucous Burfoceu Sucli articles nhould nQVcr bo used except on prescrlptlona from reputable physicians, as tho dfimiigo Jney will do 1 ten fold, to tho good you tin possibly derive from thorn. Hnll'n "ntarrh Cure, manufactured by J 3. 'hqney & Co.. Toledo, O., contains no rcury, and Is taken Internally, octlntr -eetly upon tho blood nnd mucous sur- s of tlio system. In buying Hall's ''h Curo bo sure you jrot tho Kenu- Tt fs taken Internally nnd made In ' ", Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Co. Tea-" ''ulala free. '. hv DruffRtBts, Prfqo 75o per bottlo, ... Hailkt.rRmlly,gUloJfor constipation.,. , - I 'mmmWSmmWm ,mmmmmS3mTaBr' BWwjWB WmumM BmBBM mwmmmml PROFESSIONAL CARDS- H Electrical and Hydraulic Ummm ENGINEER H Rr S. Gardner ' H Phone 31 Red. , H CEDAR CITY, UTAH Hl Geo. R. Lund B Attends all District, Court ses- sions at Parowan Utah 4 ' 'M ST OEOROE UTAH - H Til nil ! I II I I 111 I I Mill IIMI I H XSOOGOOGOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOCMHr B Cedars Hotel ; , H : . 5 s mmM WK. GnANQEB, Psoprhtor H Located in Center of City. Clean ,, mW and Comfortable. f 'H Special attention to Commercial Travelers .'. Sample Rooms. Stable Service H sooooooooooooooooooooooooiv H ' i i ii H Lawyers GLARk WRIGHT " H Associate Work for Attorneys. : ,H l'nbllc Mud Nutters: Pinal Proof. Dese'r Land, Contesta and MIhIuk 'MmmM Casen. Scrip. ''H WASHINGTON O. C. & ' 'W I DR. R. A. THORLEY H DENTIST S Office Mercantile Block 'f ''mmM K !l mmm Phone 18-2 J 'H s 5 .:mmm A. D. McGUIRE, - ' :m ATtORNElY.AT.LAW - Practice in all the Courts of the , 'mmmm State. Mmm Notary Public. Cedar City, Utah sl I DR. E.H CONGER, DENTIST Will bo pleased to see all of mm his former patients and mmm friends when they visit fB the city. Prices very rea- l sonable. Work guaranteed t mmm Somnoformc used for Extraction. - '9Mm Absolutely Painless. V -mmM OFFICE; 260 SOUTH MAIN STREET. ' , H J6lAlt Xjm.1s:o City " ll ImmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjmmmmMmwmwmMmmmmmmmmm bHHIIIIH ..... it T - The Home Meat ;B v -mmM Tho rosiest and purest ; ' --H of Primo Moats .'. . 'MmmM ' mm Beef, Pork and Tlutton I N;H Our prices nro as low1 as wo ' 'll can makoUiom consistently, a. '' and wo glyo fnjl wbij)it a'I ALWAYS I 4H DAYTON JOUNSON, Proprietor ;I , ' ' "i i i i i 'V ,.BBI G.A.BORNHAM j - 'S-M House Painting and lv 'H Decorating .,, 11 Interior Deeonitlon a Specialty "-H Paper HanRlnj; A full lino of -f' 'mmm Wall Paper Samples carried tl 'H A card will bring mo to your ll 'v ' : . H homo wltu samples . MHal CEDAR CITY - - - UTAH ' lEm Thm Gmmumm OOMESTiO H ahlp4 Prcpkld KtfUiiU4 L-jM n -SB Blratl From relory 1 ""VB '") oBH 9 MmtfovMjfmmWmJ3 ".-91 Ttio kind your RTandraoth- SBSBV .':-'.- v . era med. Over 8.M0.W0 "uSBl notnittutf. Two machine VaHaSBHaVBM ' Bbb1 mono bothlocicitttcunndMPriBa ,-' -' ' , iimm chain stitch. LatoU model .VbB ,,.' "' '', U newest Improvemente. m, JaVi f..;;v" taVal 13 Dym' rw Teimi VBBaOU 4k H Vo dtpo.li, nothloj down-no obll- "TfBBrl M '' lUon. Toil neJ not Ir a Hunjr . ' uuUI yon bai tried roar uwlia 15 d7i. YourohdU 'l . ' BaW Qfttrmi. tVath after trial or taty paimtnt$ t ten , 'JaVBI j?.-!.-.y 8.YwtfMtM 8i.B06,y. " ' : - ' s Wm SffSlPy. '''" " nt, lcV4 if mi ivi.JUmm ll.oeo.fiOO conortllon, ilt.n vrlUi trury mtchlaa. 1h -tf - JkmUBal WRITE NOW tot no.lo )lool ana full prtlculn Tot ' ' 4p) UiUireatonir.AixxUlvrlllbrlniltTAKiCtrrtiarnnwU. if ' .P UBdI rMEJTICSEIHWMWHI!1EM. MUM.l'MNHg; .; jf'JH " '4 JaBaSaal " 'a'DWaVaaVBBaal . . . ... ... iW' -BH |