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Show RED HOT FOR MGR. CORRIGAN. The most Rev. Miohael Augustine Corrigan, the honored Metropolitan of the New' York diocese, it is atated on the best of authority, will soon be rais-' rais-' ed to the Cardinalate. Rumors to this effect have been in circulation time and again, but now it is well known in I higher ecclesiastical circles that the I present jubilee year will see Archbishop Corrigan become a member of the College Col-lege of Cardinals. Private letters from Rome intimate that there is no question now but that New York will be the seat of another member of the College of Cardinals. The diocese of New York, next to Paris is, perhaps, the most populous, pop-ulous, wealthy and important in the Catholic world, and it is deemed fitting t.hat it should h? honored in the See of a Cardinal. The Archbishop of New-York New-York will wear his new honors with the same dignified humility that has characterized him through life. |