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Show IRISH-AMERICANS ENLISTED. Thousands All Over United States Of- 1 fering Their Services to the Boers, j Charles I Pierce. Consul general of the Orange Free State in New York, said last Saturday that several men had recently left the United States to join the Boer forces in South Africa and bear arms against English troops. "FcT: how long a time have men been leaving here for that purpose?" "For several weeks." replied Mr. Pierce. Of course it is understood that ro armed force would be allowed to saii from the United States with such an object in view," he added, "but men have gon? from New Yurk' and other ports in the United States, having been tcld that if they would go -to a certain rlace in Europe arrangements would bp made there for them to join- the Boer forces. "No. I cannot mention the name of the piace in question." "Suppose a man should desire to go j to South Africa to fight against the j British, what steps' would it be neces- sary for him to take here?" I asked. "Those who wish to fight in our armies ar-mies should write to Dr. Hendrick Keller. Kel-ler. Envoy Extraordinary of the Orange Free State at The Hague, Holland." re. plied the Consul General, diplomatically. diplomatical-ly. "He will supply all information on the subject that may be necess'iry." "Immediately upon receiving this letter let-ter I forwarded it to Secretary of State Hay. in Washington," said 3Ir. Pierce. "Today I received a reply, in which he said that, according to international law, neutral governments may lawfully sell to a belligerent purchaser contraband contra-band articles, subject to the right of seizure in transit." An unusually large number of young and stalwart men sailed as steerage passengers- Saturday on the steamships Amsterdam and Kaiser Wilhelm sailed New York. The Kaiser Wilhelm sailed for Naples and the Amsterdam for Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The Lucania. bound for Queenstown and Liverpool, carried none of these young men. It was said that the men in questiim were the members of a band of Irish-Americans Irish-Americans who left Ohio a few dnys ago with the intention of going to the Transvaal Republic to aid the Boers in their fight against England. Irish-Americans have gone from 3Ion-tana. 3Ion-tana. and other western states to aid the Boers. The county board of the Ancient Order Or-der or Hibernians of St. Louis. 3Io.. has started a movement to raise a fund to aid the Boers in their war with England. Resolutions) of sympathy were unanimously unani-mously adopted, and with equal unanimity unan-imity the plan wars approved to ask a $10 subscription of every sympathizer, especially Hibernians and members of kindred organizations. In New York, Chicago. Cleveland, Columbus, Co-lumbus, Omaha, New Orleans, Philadelphia Phila-delphia and Boston, recruits are being enlisted daily, and it is expected that at leas.t two regiments will be raised by-Jan. by-Jan. 1. The veterans of 3Ieagher's Irish brigade, bri-gade, who have dined together every year since the battle of Fredericksburg, which, they commemorate each year, dined again Saturday night in the Stur-tevant Stur-tevant House. Broadway, New York. There were 200 veterans and guests present. |