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Show I BUTTE NOTES. I Mr. Miles- Tinlen has gone east on 5 business. . I Sister Callista is so far recovered as ; tn le able to recreate in the halls of St. James hospital. Mrs. G. W. Morgan of Salt Lake City ; is in Butte, the guest of Mrs. W. H. J Davey, West Park- street. I Rev. E. P. Gueymaid of Salt Lake I was the gueed of Mrs. J. W. Cotter at I dinner Saturday evening last. I Mias Helen Moran of South Idaho J street, returned to St. Vincent's academy, Helena, on Monday last. I The Daughters of Erin are preparing I for a basket social to be given in the ! li-nr future at A. O. W. hall, Center- vi,Ie' i1 Mrs. Laird of Anaconda Hill, entertained enter-tained I'.ov. E. P. Guaymard of Salt I Lake at dinner during his recent visit to Butte. Rev. Father Murphy preached an e!o- rne-nt and devotional sermon, on St. J Joseph, at 11 a. m. High Mass, last Sunday at St. Patrick's. Master T. F. Brogan. who has been spending the holidays at his home at 5 NYw Chicago, returned to All Hallows I college Salt Lake, on Sundtiy last. ' ' I Mr. Frank Sullivan, editor of the f Montana Ca'lholie, is back at his post i again. lie reports a ' pleas-ant time during Christmas at his Seattle home. 1 The rnffio of the city lot for the bene- I fit of th" Orphans' Home in Helena will take phv-e during the present j j month at th Y. M. I. parlors. Tickets I arc selling off with pleasing rapidity. !P,ev. Father Gallagher of Kalispel, who has. betci quite ill at St. James I hospital, will soon- be sufficiently re- ! ei'"-:-nt d to return to his pastoral S duties. . I Master Iiansom Rice has been re- ! novel from his home to St. James rospiial. His many friends at All ! Hallows will be pleased to learn that ), is improving rapidly. Master? Leo Moran. Bonner Gordon. Or ijjhion Large y. Thomas Brogan and .Ti.hu Her.r.ejvy returned tt All Hal-h-ws college. Salt Lake, on Surday hist. Rev. Fathers JuIyinar;l and 31 ur-j'hy ur-j'hy accompanied the party. "Hud" Humphey and 3!r. Ich of Oiil ple Cic.k. Colo., Mere hi Butte during the past week interesting mining min-ing nun in tlv-ir new fus and cap p:o-t p:o-t . ei'r. The invention eliminates, all . : anger of a "miss fire" in water soaked T'onnd. M'vsrs. Browne and Flannigan of "ljuef-n Mary" r!;ar fame, are both absent. ab-sent. The genial "Patsey" has gone to the coast on a business trip, while Jerry is sojourning a short time at the Hot Sprincs e'er Kartins for the Paris exposition. James T. Firh-n, who for years has heen the TOppiy eh rk for the Anaconda company, has r isived his position vith the cimiiiary and will henceforth devote himself entirely to the drug business. Mr. Finlen has bougnt out his partner. Alderman Medin. and will henceforth conduct the business alone. Mrs. Lulu Largey gave a very pleasant pleas-ant party at Crystal Springs Wednesday Wednes-day night. Jan. ", in honor of Aliss Madelyn Bartlett of Chicago and Mr. Frank McGlynn cf Omaha. It was a most enjoyable affair, and among the KiieFts were; Miss Sue MacLanahan, Miss Jane MacLanahan. Miss 3Iadelyn EaxtleU, Miss Jennie Sullivan, 3liss Lulu Foster, Miss Belle LeBeau, 3Iiss Mae Sullivan, 31 rs. I. D. Freund; Messrs. Fred Lease, Robert LeBeau, I hil P. Carr, Arthur Darland, Bernard oon, Dr. Ray Freund and Frank 31c-Glvn, 31c-Glvn, Hey. Father O'Brien paid his home a flying visit Tuesday en route to New 3lexico. Father Vanden Broeck of Dillon vis- ! Jted the priests of St. Patrick's on j Tuesday last. j The L. C. B. A. 'begin? 1900 with a membership of 150, and several applica- j tions on the list. j Father O'Farrell "spent a couple of I days in Butte during the week, the i guest of St. Patrick's. Sister 'jus'tina of St. James' hospital will soon resume her duties. Her condition con-dition is daily improving. The ladies of Centtrville Parish presented pre-sented Father Batens with three ele-gunt ele-gunt carpets for the various apartments apart-ments of hia new parochial residence. Mr. John TTnirnn r. tnrne.1 t.i iVio 1 no. uit College in Spokane on Tuesday last. 31r. Hogan is making a record for 'himself 'him-self along dramatic lines at the College. 31 rs. George Holdorn lo-st many pieces of valuable bric-a-brac and rare furniture furni-ture in the Hennei?ty fire. The articles were stored in the warehouse awaiting flhirment east. Rev. Father 3Iueller of the Cheyenne mission, who was taken suddenly ill on Christmas eve, just after intoning the Gloria at midnight 3Iass, is still too weak to resume his duties. Harry P. Gushing of the Denver & Rio Grande, and 31r. Flynn of the 3Iis-souri 3Iis-souri Pacific -were Butte visitors on Wednesday laet. They left for Helena on Thursday morning, intending to return re-turn by way of Garrison and Anaconda over the Union Pacific. Over 2.000 people approached Holy Communion on the first Friday of the year. Considering that the league has only been in active existence since August Aug-ust last this is certainly a remarkable showing, and speaks highly for the zeal and devotion of all. On Sunday, the 14th inst., Rev. Father Callahan, accompanied bv his sister. 3Iiss Nellie Callahan, will depart de-part on a three weeks" trip to Omaha. During his absence Father Vanden Broeck of Dillon will assume charge at St. Patrick's. 3Iay Father Callahan derive much benefit from his well earned vacation is the wish of The Intermountain In-termountain Catholic. 1 On Monday evening, at the Latter- j day Saints hall, 3Ir. Ernest A. Caddv of Butte and Miisg Rachel 3Ianveon of Salt Lake Cit-p united in -t rimony. The bride looked beautiful in her costume of pink and gray, as did aloo the bridesmaids, who were beautifully beau-tifully attired. The ceremony was performed per-formed at 8:30. Then the party and friends enjoyed themselves in a dance antil 11:30 o'clock, when all repaired to the home of 3Ir. and 3Irs. Lee t ham and partook of a bounteous repast. Butte Inter 31ountain. |