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Show : victor : - Ready to Fight England. Michael Ryan is, as his name implies, a eon of the owld sod, and he is something some-thing more, for Michael is a pronounced Fenian, and is ready to take a side nwipe at Jchn Bull whenever opportunity opportun-ity should arise, says the Victor (Colo.) Times. Michael believes that now is the acepted time and his heart yearns for just one good crack at the enemy of the green little isle. Mr. Ryan is not as young as he once was and he might not make a pretty figure on dresva parade, but he is an Irishman born and raised, and, so far as England is concerned, his fighting qualities will assay sixteen ounces to the pound avordupois. Michael is a member of the Clan-na-Gael and he says that the order ought to put an army of at least 200000 men into the field against the hated Briton, and he is ready to give his services either in Canada. South Africa or Colorado Colo-rado Springs, wherever the other 199,999 members of the order may elect to shed British gore. Michael is patriotic and earnest and is ready to fight for Frenchmen. Dutchmen or any other kind cf men, just so the fighting would be against the English. Michael has informed the Times upon this point through a visit personally conducted, and he has. left his name at this office a a possiWe Boer recruit, but as the recruiting officer of the Times has been taking a vacation since the Irish volunteers' vol-unteers' were recruited in Victor for the Spanish war, we are unable to accommodate accom-modate him. However, if anyone wants a good, lusty lad to fights Englishmen, he can be secured by dropping a note to Michael Ryan, care Evening Times The people of St. Patrick's are very proud of their choir. ? Miss Mamie and Ethel Stewart have returned from Denver. Miss Edith Stewart is very ill at her home on Evans avenue. Miss Etta Kretsehmer is home spending- the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mm Gilfort's beautiful residence resi-dence on Lake avenue is completed. Miss Etta Kretschmer is home from Good Pasture, where she has been teaching school. The Knights of St. John gave a social at the Pope hall, which proved to be a very enjoyable affair. -.? Mr. and Mrs. Roy" lately of Denver, are now living in Pueblo. Mr. Roy has taken charge of the choir. Mr. R. Powers and family of El Moro. Colo., are now pleasantly located lo-cated at 1303 Elm street, Bessemer. Miss Mary Flynn of Denver has accepted ac-cepted a position with the San Francisco Fran-cisco Tea company. Union avenue. The Christmas collection at St. Patrick's Pat-rick's is estimated to exceed $400. The financial report of the parish will be read next Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Richie are now pleasantly located in their cosy new home, 409 Nothern avenue, where they will be pleased -to meet their friends. Miss Beendette Schwaekenburg and Miss Fannie Gwme of Mt. St. Scholas-tica's Scholas-tica's academy of Canon City, Colo., spent their Christmas vacation at Pueblo. r . Quite , a number of the young lady students of the Larretto academy who have been spending the holidays with relatives and friends, have returned to their studies At St. Mary's church solemn High Mass was celebrated at midnight on Jan. 1. Very Rev. R. Gregory officiated, assisted by Fathers Cyril and Marcel-lus. Marcel-lus. St. Cecelia's youthful choir rendered ren-dered Bonner's Mass in C in a creditable credit-able manner. "Jesus Dulcis Memoria" was the offertory selection. The spacious spaci-ous church was scarcely large enough to hold the, crowds of people who assembled as-sembled to assist at the Holy Sacrifice and of whom- many approached the holy table. Benediction, of the Most Blessed Sacrament, which was exposed during the Mase followed by the "Te Daum" closed the solemnity of the unusual un-usual hour of divine service. MONTROSE. (Correspondence Intermountain Catholic) Montrose, Colo., Jan. S. The Catholic Ladies served supper at the ball Christmas Christ-mas night, unlet were very successful. Father Farerri is having a new brick building erected nearer the Church. . The band boys look "swell" in their new uniforms. Alias Mary and Mr. Ed McNulty were in Montrose a few days- on business. Their many friends were glad to see them, and hope they will come again. The school children are quit happy that they are having an extra week's vacation. The Altar SocietyTadies were much pleased with the result9 of their New Year's d'inr.ner and ball in the evening. Every one seemed to appreciate the dinner and all enjoved themselves at the dance. |