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Show BUTTE SOCIAL. A Brilliant Wedding1. 3Ir. W. A. O'Brien and 3Iisa Anna L. 31euin were married on Tuesday evening even-ing last at St. Patrick's, Father Calla ban officiating. A large number of friends were present to witness the event. 31iss Medin is one of Butte's accomplished accom-plished and beloved daughters, while 31r. O'Brien U one cf the popular and rising young business men of the city As the mingled tones of the Angelus and wedding march Rounded at 6 p. m., the procession moved up the aisle to the altar, where it was met bv the groom and his attendant, 3Ir. James Tinlen. The bride entered the church on the arm cJ her hrother, Alderman 3Iarco J. 3Iedin. and immediatclv following came Mies Cas-sie Laird, "escorted bv 3Ir. Anthony 31t"din, also brother of the bride. The bride wore white satin, trimmed in real lace and chiffon, the skirt being be-ing of the plain pattern, while the bodice bod-ice was a marvel ef exquisiteness ' in real lace. She carried a shower bouquet bou-quet of white roses. 31iss Laird, the brides-maid, were delicate blue silken mull, isnowtlaked dot of miniature size, demi-train. Veils were not worn. After the ceremony the family and a few intimate friends went to the residence resi-dence cf the bride's parents, 55 West Broadway, where an elaborate wedding dinner was served. It was. a family gathering, assemblrd ti pay their heartiest heart-iest respects to the young couple. At 8:30 o'clock 31 r. and 31ns. O'Brien boarded the Great Northern for a wedding wed-ding trip to Spokane and the coast. The li.L of weddinjr presents in large, and includes beautiful; pieces of cut gl'jiss. statuary, china and jewelry. One (jf the uk -st prized of the collection is a box of real lace made by 3Ir. O'Brien's s-'i-ter, who i. a Nun in a convent con-vent in Winchester, N. Y. 31r. and Mrs. O'Brien will resi'de at the cornc-r of Silver and Jackson strec-ts in a pretty little cottage which has recently beta built and furnished, j |