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Show BUTTE OBITUARY. Patrick Holland died Jan. 7 of pneumonia pneu-monia at his home. No. 1 Duggan avenue. ave-nue. Funeral took place from family residence at 2 p. m. Jan. 10. Requiem j services at St. Patricks. Thomas Murry of 310 West Copper, died of pneumonia on Jan, 6. Funeral took place at 9.30 a. m. on 9th. Requiem Re-quiem mass at St. Patricks. 3Iichael Piana of" 105 S. Ohio street, waa killed by a premature explosion on Jan. 6 in the Never Sweat mine. Funeral took place Jan. 8, at 2 p. m. from Sherman's undertaking parlors. t Thomas Bilbow of, North Wyoming street, was killed by premature explo- d:.-in in the Wvpr Sweat mine on. .Tan 6. Funeral took place Jan. 8, at 10 a, m., from residence. Requiem mass was sung at st. Patricks Otto Diesell died of pneumonia at St. James Hospital on Jan. 7. Body was shipped to Hemmingford, Neb., from Sherman's undertaking parlors Jan. 10. James 3IcQuarrie died of pneumonia on Jan. 4. Body was shipped to Virginia Vir-ginia City, New, on the 7th inst. Deceased De-ceased was 55 years of age. George Ryam of Virginia City, Nev., died Jan. 7, at St. James Hospital. Funeral from Duggans' undertaking parlors, at 9 a. m., Jan. 9. Deceased was assaulted by unknown parties at ! an early hour in the morning and received re-ceived knife wounds, from which death resulted. 4 T. J. O'Connor of 122 West Agate, died Jan. 7. Funeral from family residence resi-dence Jan. 9 at 10 a. m. Requiem mas-s at St. Patricks. Con. B. Sullivan, of E. Summit street, died Jan. 7. Funeral from family resi- dence Jan. 9 at 2 p. m. Requiem ser- ; vices at St. Patricks. j |