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Show DENVER MEWS. Miss Wanda Gottesleben returned home last Monday evening, after a seven sev-en weeks' visit with her friends in St. Louis. rr , . Miss Marie Sheedy left for Leavenworth, Leaven-worth, Kas., Wednesday, to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Matthew Ryan. She will be absent about a week. N Father Person S. P., the genial pastor pas-tor of Trinidad, Col., reports for the year 1S99, 135 marriages and C50 baptisms, bap-tisms, al within the limits of his par- 1Sh" The many friends of Expressman Michael K, . Quirk, 2814 Indiana street. Highlands, will be grieved to learn of his serious illness. He is suffering from nervousness of the eyes: Misses Nellye Toovey, Charlotte Becker, Beck-er, Wanda Gottesleben, Violet Toovey, Ella and May Mullen, Violet Preston and Elizabeth Schaefer will be at homo New. Year's day at the Misses Mullen. We repeatedly refuse the patronage of unreliable business houses or to insert in-sert any card pertaining to quackery, thereon, our subscribers may depend upon any of our advertisers to do the correct thing. Mr. George E. Farrish, son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Fa-rrish of 847 Logan avenue, and who is a student in Columbia Co-lumbia university. New York, arrived home yesterday, to spend the holidays with his parents. The funeral of Patrick Kane was held from St. Joseph's church, Fort Collins, Col-lins, Tuesday morning. Mr. Kane had been ill but a short time, and his death was entirely unetxpected. He was a young business man of this city, and very popular. On next Tuesday L. H. Fitzgerald, tive board of ths International Stone-' cutters' association, leaves for Washington, Wash-ington, where he will attend a meeting of that board. Seven districts are represented rep-resented on the board, and a revision of the constitution is the business that will be transacted. Field Musician Francis Carey of Company Com-pany B, First Colorado infantry. U. S. V., fell and seriously injured his back at 10 o'clock last Thursdays evening on the slippery pavement in front of the city hall. The police ambulance removed remov-ed him to his home, 911 Wazee street. Carey, who was one of the best known characters in the Colorado volunteer regiment. Reived in the ar.-ny many y!u - licfore the Spanish-American war broke out. He was in the Fourth cavalry. when the late General Lawton was a captain of that regiment. Miss Josie Ryan entertained a number num-ber of friends Monday evening at. her home, in honor of Miss'Lolo De-Few of Pui llahd, Ore. Those present were: Misses Alice Wayne, Aka White, Georgia Geor-gia Brownlee, Grace Parker, Marion Jones, Edith Dempsejv Helen Borst, Grace White. Anna Ttpper. Josie Murphy, Mur-phy, Lolo De Pew, and Josie Ryan. The gentlemen were: Messrs. John; and George Murphy, Frank Tupper,' Borst, Willie Burnside, J. E. Hilgenhus, Ben Jordan. Goorge Hoffer, Albert Hoffmen, Willis Popper, Mr. Frankle and others. Miss Marie Sheecy entertained sixty-five sixty-five of her young friends at a dancing party Friday evening. The big house at the corner of Eleventh and Grant streets was alive with gay youngsters, and bright and beautiful decorations. The dining room was dressed with pink roses and ribbons and white hyacinths, and' throughout the house were yellow and white roses. The musicians, were screened with palms, and the floors canvassed for dancing. Mrs-. Sheedy was assisted by Mrs. W. R. Owen and Miss McMurtrie. Among the guests were: MisEes Anna Reynolds. Lucile Ins ley, Laurence Porter. Freddie Le Fevre, Margaret Baxter, Agnes and Theo Morrissee: Messrs. Herman Van Fleet, Russll Reynolds George Ora-hood, Ora-hood, George Craamer, Harold Kountze and others. |