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Show St. Joseph's Parish. St. Joseph's Church thrilled with festival fes-tival spirit. The first high mass at 5 o'clock; Rev. John McGeough, C. SS. R., celebrant; Rv. Joseph Brandt, C. SS. R.f deacon; Rev. Peter Geier-man, Geier-man, C. SS. IL, sub-deacon; Rev. Louis Brander, C. SS. R., rector master of " ceremony. The music rendered at thi3 mass was Mercadante's Mass in B; offertory, Adeste Fideles, by Novello. Do w masses were celebrated at every half hour subsequently until 9:30. The second solemn high mass at 10:30, Rev. Joseph Brandt, C. SS. R., celebrant; cele-brant; Rev. John McGeough, C. SS. R., deacon; Rev. Peter Geierman. C. SS. H R-. sub-deacon; Rev. Louis Brander, C. SS. It., master of ceremony. . The choir rendered Kyrie and Gloria from Mercadante's Mas in B; Credo. Sanc-tus. Sanc-tus. Benedictus and Agnus Dei. from Gounod's Messe Solenuelle; at the offertory, of-fertory, Adeste Fideles, by Novello. After the high mass Benediction of the t '''. Most Blessed Sacrament was. given, at which the choir sang Jjambellotte's O, Salutaris and Haydn's Tantum Ergo! The Christmas music was in harmony ! with the Glorious Feast. Sopranos Miss Mattie Edson, Catherine Cath-erine Campion, Fannie Bertman, Mamie Ormsby, Amelia Bergman, May Loftus I and Mrs. F. P. Johnson. Altos Misses Mollie Bertman, Kath-erine Kath-erine Connelly, Georgie Edson. Contralto Miss Vannie Edson. Tenors Messrs. Joh n Schilling and Tom Towle. Bassos Messrs. William F. Raven-hill, Raven-hill, Fred Johnson and J. f. Roth. Organist Mrs. Fred Johnson. Violins Messrc. Bernard Foley and Louis Vogelsang, f DirectorMr. F. P. Johnson. Much credit is due to Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Johnson for their successful production pro-duction of Mercadante's and Gounod's Masses. The church was crowded at both high masses with an appreciative congregation and the common testimony testi-mony was to the unique excellence of the music. The very able missionary. Rev. John McGeough, c. SS. R. preached a powerful discourse on the Glorious Feast at the last mass. The altars and sanctuary, too, were in keeping keep-ing with the great solemnity. The decorations dec-orations were beautiful and reliect great credit upon some of the ladies of the Altar society. The decorations at tne criD oi trees and gas jets are beautiful. beau-tiful. There will be midnight services on next Sunday, Solemn Thanksgiving Mass, at which the choir will render Gounod's Messe Solenwelle. The Re-demptionist Re-demptionist Fathers will leave nothing noth-ing undone to make the closing of the old and the beginning" of the new cen. tury a memorable solemnity. Rev. T. H. Malone arrived here on ! Saturday from the east I Rev. John McGeough, C. SS. R., ar- j rived home from a long . trip giving missions ast and west. |