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Show STARTLING. INSURANCE FIGURES. Few people have any idea of the enormity of tho Insunnco business of the United States, It not only exceeds th it of nny other countrs', but Is twice us great an that of all of tho lest of the world combined At Iho present time thern Is In tho United Mate about Jl-'.OOO,OOO,00O of llfo Insurance In foue, Imludlng assessment business. This means nvor 1160 for every man, woman nnd child In the countrs. or l00 for every family Tho annual risks written writ-ten by tho flro Insurannio companies ii ru estimated nt 2u.000 000,000, which Is tllO per capita or $1250 per family. Thus, It will bo seen that every family 111 the country, on an uverugo, has In-un In-un mice assets of over t'.OOQ Leslie's Weekly. niVALRY IN "OtnALMINO," (From th New York Tilbune) The wisdom of our floiernment's adopting adopt-ing a retaliatory policy with regard to I lie. Importation of food products bscauts Oermany prohibits tho importation of meats containing boraclo odd and similar prcvrvntlvcs la open tn question, hut $ tw5 jL .iCilBfll there in he no harm In on Investigation 'IB, 'iwti'a w9H Into tho character of our purchases of 'Mr MkIi.'i9aflIB food from uhroad and making the widest ijw if i,4'IotBB public iikm of tho facts. Sallcslle. boraclo A i fil' .1 ffilflH ard benzole nrlds mny ho proper ronstlt- , -Wf 1 fImH uenls of hlininn food. It so, Ict thorn by iLc 'if'I iVjlitvifl all means bo put In our beef and hams flf , fi 4 fljH ni.d smisnges Hut bs nil means let us T'J t' -' ,!'JHB known Unit they nro there, nnd have our ft jf J 'f ditlM cholco between meats so preserved and ,S I il'ijtH meals whli Ii may not lasts so good or bo ' f uJ V.' I .'tVVH so cheap, but which vo havo a right to 'ii "V J, ''i'llH " """t them. ' frff'j' 'H COMMA.VDINO fllJNKHAL'S ItlailT. 5j rtRl-WJij nrfl (From the Minneapolis Times ) IB jji , i'JS 'IjM The Meuteniint-dentral of tho Army, 'a 'Iffllf'Jl i stiH being ns ho la a man with un nrtmlrablo 1 1 1) i 4,) j JH mllltury record und ono tn whom tho Na. B ijli 1 ill ? IssH tlnn ones srutltude for services rendered III ' ifi i'H nn munv cumpalgns, has a right. In dig- " '.l! f j 'M nllleil fashion and guided by proper Judg. ! If' ? ' ;,M mcnl to mnko known his views to tho yt ?, . H Sennte, to th. House, or to his Immedl. I'd If U1 j vLH nte superiors, concerning the organisation fs ' , ' riH and loniliii-t of tho army of which ho H t,t )f QK jkH tho subordlnnto head, and this although ' i Wit, ' ffit his views may bo totally In opposition to , rilltl.f'f'BH tho plans proposed hy hla Immedlato su. M 'I a1! h'JiT'sW pcilor, the Secretary of War. ) VH 0 0 VipM ri- 'KtMti !IH OOOSB AND OANDIirt. J,k "w HJ HH (I'rom Iho New York Journal.) if fl(i3iM A'llB If Miles Is to bo dismissed from active. iB Jf.CTr UitisBsl sirvlco for his presuinpllon In dirferlng li Ml U.issB from President Itoosevcli, Dewey ought 'Jf Wij Jl filtH to bo mado to vvnlk the plunk, too Ho jVT lS VI 'i'JH dares to havo a mind of his own as well t Hv h ut'H s,""j ul t Mi hi JiM Tho Test of i:xpcitness,-"Is lie real- R'8, , Q if, IM ly such an nxpert stenographer?" '3 fn It' jm "nxpcrtnesn is no iiamo for it! Why. M M ' K PII Just for practice ho actually took down TO If 'i FlB n ihurch sawing i Irclo discussion with- js1 jjt1! iWuiH out missing a vvordl" , hlcago I'ost. Jl 3 J yfii 'j.llH "I must say that your appetite has 31 W fL1 .biSjH greatly Impioved of late." ijilffl jtmlH "Vcs," unsweicd tho hspachondrlac. M Jfir'l Btlfl "My doctor said ho would havo to limit ffifl TtfflHV liH my tobacco. Ho said I might smoke a Wjj msW lliH ilgur utter ciich meal. I am now eating Huh JlS hi QB six meals a ila," Washington Star. ftl tJlli'1.S BH II iill "Did sou say you saw my boy Josh EftffiHWln fl I laborln' under great excitement?" said IlHi'Sjl'i It H Farmer Corntoseel. flEHsTiwQviJK iH "Yes." HHtl'laf I "Well, I don't wonder. If Josh wad wHk, 1 H laborin' at all, he must have been pur- (silsSrn II I ty surprised an' generally flustered." Q9Hf K.9- H Exchange, BHBt ii'rr"'B |