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Show ggga -i 'i l ' M , t', Repreaenlutlvu J I. Hurnett of Ata- H If bania, In niRUliiK for the Cuosa 'liver H Ji' 'if linpiotrmcnt (which he inntemleit H , , if nould not col moie tlmn 16 000 WO In M , I iidilllion to the tt U0 00O alrrail spent B ,M mon It), held Hint the inal trade Jus- HBl lined tho Improvement There would HBb , 'y lie thirty-one locks In rnt-ne HBl I J; miles nf these but four uro tompleleil HBl j f 3 ilm cuRlneer who fuMirod dnliint tht HBl il' work elnlmi"! that ronl inuld mi Its HBV :(i rnmpletlou, lie delivered on the (llllf HBV : 'i nt $173 per tun which would lie only HBV ' t tuenty.thf cents iwr ton freight, hut H t ''j if " the round trip for u barge earn lug HBW ( 40) tons would conaume a week It HBV Jx teems rather u low oMImntc Ihe HBn , L tlnnnel nt heal woull Ih hut four feot HBlf f I i to that no great lo.ul rould lie limited HBV . nd then, ra hut four of tin liKks huNi HBlj ' ' been rainpleled on J the tosl lm- been V j ' SI too 000 (nut nil for th lm kn of HBV m i nurse) It seoma rtither low to put the HBn M i vt of the other tvrent) een, with ! ( ll aPPt'ftenant work, nt only six mil- b 1 lions mote. No doubt tho estimate for t thn woik nt Us piesent stiiRe would fi ltie been fnr lelotr what It Hcluall rU sf an tint tu lmproe the Coos i'j llr nccnrdlUK to prngi inline, would 1 1, iimount prolmhlv to twelve millions n HBf I ',' o r and twelve million dollnis would HBl ., buy a ' pile ' of oonl nt 1 75 a ton |