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Show HAS SPENT FORTUNE FOR SILK UNDERWEAR Now Her Husband Draws tho Line, She Seeks Divorco on Grounds of Cruelty. CHICAGO, Mnrch 21. Silk underwear under-wear figures prominently In the suit for divorco brought by Mrs. Matilda C. Benhani ogalnst Itajmond S. Benham. head of licnham, Trumbull & Co, S5 Lisallc avenue. 8ho wants to bo divorced because, sho sas, ho wos cruel to her. Ho answers an-swers that she spent a small fortune for silk underwear. He ns that In the four yeais following Januury 17, 1M4. she spent !3000, und that a great prt of It went for the lllmy undergarments. undergar-ments. Ho fcijs also that she flirted with men at the Palmer house, drank Intoxicating liquor and woio tho silk underwear she purchased. Hhe sits s he Is worth HS0 000. Ho sas he was before he married her. Tho difference between his past surplus und his present, he declares, Is duo to the purchaso of underwear. |