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Show ;i! '"THE WEATHER BUREAU AND ITS WORK. saeaeaeai saeaeaesl oSiti ! tim TOrectnr I- It Murdorh of the H 1T 1 l "r n""1" lellvered a paper B " i bifore IK rngiticcrlnj; CK.Iety of the H 1 I t of Itah entitled Ihe H ') u 1C nireati ant lis Work on H f l' llnca ai c paper not only lUals with asxesH f Hi lv ' ' and work of the local and tin asxesH li" If' ,1n ' w llltr uur'oa1 llUl vntm rn,,,0 H j i l tin ni a puural liletorv of the i.olutlim BBbBBBB I ffl ,l . M...MMr mil ,nM s-aleni from H h U. the time Collier. Innti-I the thermom- aexesH A ct i in tho eurly !" ot lhu Mctecnth H Hnr3. I'rlndplo of the Btu-ometcr. H j I f, w oars later ' reads the paper, H ! I J) 'Torn olll a pupil of Onllleo, dlacov- H f jj r the principle upn which the bar H I 8 ometcr is constructed The use of tho H j' larnmlei tnuglit that there are dallj H , lv ond pcrlodloiil lluctuntlons In the nlr B ?J( pleasure It wns not however till n, H ' t ntuiy later that the law i,oicrnlng H if'' th progiesslon of storms eiu rtlsro- iaBaH M In 1"17, Ilenjimln Trtnklln nt l'hll- B I oi IphlJ and a rellow scientist nt Hue- SzesH ti1 tm nanged to take simultaneous nb ssxeafl !fiH an tlrns of n lunar eclipse. On the H fji e musof the ei 111 son set en jMnd an I H If L r li urm set In nt I'hlU.U l lila, ren- H I d r, It Impossible for l'ranklln to W j , t e obsratlons As the storm aoemed H ' t i une from the rorllieast und ieirts H , 1 I vie 1 that It wan widespread H 1 m clip suppose' that his io-worker H ' .- . Ir Host n wasHlso uiiuble lii gel a lew B till o th .illpse liji l( days Inter Tranklln ieeled 1 if) a i nmunlCMtlnn o the tlfcct that the H Ik ii in in Uos'on was clear and that the II k'l tr ill nuilheast atoim felt In l'lilla- ! , il ipi la did not aet in at Uoslon till the t A t oiWt g dn i. B rianltllu s Obsetvntlons sSJsal 1 rl 'rt1ln 'loiter rrunklln to collect data -Tip r -TII'iK the aiorm from wliich the I W f 1 1 i oi hei Itemed that the farther I ' r utrw ht of l'lilladeli ItU a place liap- i pun Ik the earlier had been the I j )i uHint f tie dlatuilami Ihls Infor ' k v t on Hindi! It plain that the course of I 'J C f tun nn had lie. n fun southwest l j li i ti it and not fi in luitheast lo I 'v it w ,,f as liidlcjin t i the wltiila I ', I I itixll latlon of thlsl I 1 inuklln to he H ,jl r i ins) in that the wind blows nwurl g ', I, , tl i nue of n storm that the noilh U'i' r t liuiiii'iino will li I illudelihla hnd j Ills- nK l-i d wns tuusi I I y Din aiuitlin R M)f r Ise t bl Ihe adiamitig storm udd H J I ' (lie soulhwrnt whiih duw tho ' i li ui i llj rrom Uorioii tu ritlliub Iphia H M t mMi tlio latter city win u thousand J . , h mihwcst or lliston Hint thi e I ( y li t tho noithenst wind incicased 1 the stoun edit dtew neater until the J v i 1 n i lied the doclty of a hunt sjsjsjb .ir nut nftu the norm edd) had ) ' l f 1 lo the northeast of a plmc tln '' will shifted in southwest and .be o I. 1 it v r the wind Btaduall dericasliiK j r i the i ntre of the stnnn eddy liaaaed t rtn i t i the urn theaat I I ill Thomas JerTeison and James I J 1 1 n began u s Ties or simultaneous I , v uher obserMitltins which w con i'J t nt d i r setera! r ns Mil ill on wns f 1 nt'l at XMIIIamsbuig Va near the "' f ii. while Jeffeisnn w b at Mnntlcollo i ' 10 miles west of wluie Mndlson was i, ' I' lonunilng obacnnilons Ihe two H ! i i ui d Unit n alien weather condition , '( it uatly ciehel Montuclln a few hours !i rllcr thnn llllamshurg 1 1 O-Igln nt Weather Iteports, B i, Tnirlntr the tlret hair or the nine- 1 I enth ntur u number of celebrated I , Am ikdii sikntii loiUitid thiotigh H . to malls IttfoiiiiHiion ieUUe to slorm t K ill IMil I i il Joseph Henr, H i ( K r tin of the bn lllisonlnn Inslltu- K tin ccnatructod thn iet lallvweither bsH Mb " '' f' "" I"H colli i tr I by iilegraph BsH ;:l!ikitl tl U8 di mi nstutlng tilt feunlliim of a BsH lirffi nieinmtnt w Jtlui sen I i In ISSD BBBM ' ?'llf 'r r lev eland Abbe n ting for the ssH il ffi ' n '"I"" ' hamber of r-ommetie pub- B cjj'iir ' hel " weaihr bulletin containing a saH "Cllr ' rc a8t for '''"clmintl It was bused E JTi l " ' '" thl'ty obseivaiiotis ioI- n ' 1 t 11 j tclrgiaph B JS! drouth of the Solsnce. Jj (l , j),. r r mi ISM the dale or establishment H I I 1( r Hie 1. 1 trie toleKrupi llhij u mini H j 1(1 1 r t iiominent ptivunugcs u Hucatcd bH ' ri rtft '" '"ditllshment or a Koternrent I i"l ' ' ' Hrvice but It remiiltied for Ilr H i ,i 1 en isc A Lnpli.ini or Milwaukee to II r 1 n oub s tfklent lnuu-t to sunt the ' I ill 1"'r a' ln ,,,", rtfrise madi un r- JIJ 1 l rlitlon fur Hint pui pose nnd In N i- "l Kfi mber or that eir the signal iorps St of the ITnited Si les i imy tuwhiihthe , irt2 vnrlt waa asslgmd Hg.in tli nilleiiiin w ?fi "'"' '""'cmlnutlon of wintbcr Informn- ( li' 8l! ,,c" -"" B"V.rnmnt wus the foinih R ! . !ii' " "" '" xtart audi a s rvlie Ihe IB. li fl"t metcorologlcol seicli w is etnli- LEt Fill 1 hed by Holland In IMu hiiKluulw s W, (' ft next to cfdabllsh one JbOl and rntiu If t thi thlid " IflJtJ. ' i'h i 11 oteurnloglcsl service cf llils f9i!jl country icmalncd under the Win de sfsrl' I T'nicmt till July, 18ni when annul VJfjf , ' lnt; to ael of ('ongrcas, It hetaine i in t ' rai ' "' ''"' Department of ARtfuiUm- i n i JJJ i wis deslmatel bj Hh tucsmt n i r ' ' I Tim wmtlier bureau kcivI lias i l v It vwiiHlfrfullj in i sic lullj during tl i I , at fout or five years It wai stuitcJ with an annual nppraprl itlon of tin CXI. nr I now the jmilv expenses me somewhat some-what over U ouoouo Kowr Torecnsts Aro Made. The perm nnel nf thu bureau consists nf 12UI tiiilned i.lllclals :otl or whom are Iniated In the n nlrol oillce nt washing-ton washing-ton D i' Iher are 160 well niulpiel stations including cvern' In tho llaha ma mil West Indian Islan Is and ono on thu nnrlli rojbt of houth America. Tlnlh the rinndlnn and Mexican w-eath-ii services to opciate with that of this lounlrv Over this vust terrllor which extends from the north coaot of South Am ili it nvei the Wist Indies the llnhamns Mexico tt-e dtcd Sta'es and the inhabited liortlon of I nnnda observ Ulons are taken tit 0 a in nnd 0 r in Rocky mountain time nnd tele-kraphe tele-kraphe 1 to the various foiecnst olllclnls These reports are inpldlv charted nnd from them the foiccaata arc made ' 1 Ui11kS 'Latin boas I se glad to see dit bottle fall" ' V hj ' 'f nse It s de sign of a lip ' |