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Show NOT SELF-INrLICTED. Opinion of Dr. Mayo After Examln-ing Examln-ing the Body. Dr. Miso, who examined tho body after Its icmoval to Taylor'a undertaking undertak-ing rooms, Is Inclined to bcllcvo that the wound ln the lliroat was not self-Indicted self-Indicted 'Tho wound Is a stialght Incision across tho neck, severing tho trachea und penetrating nlmost to the aesophu-gus," aesophu-gus," said l)r, Moici 'Now when a man cuts his own throat ho usually makes nn Irrcgulai Incision which extends ex-tends upward to the left If the man Is light handed, oi tn the right If ho Is left handed The i ut In Collins s throat wns evldentls nmlo by a quick, short stroke fiom a very simp Instalment, und extends across i10 hri,at In a straight horizontal line Tho Injury wna not necessarily fatal, as no Important Im-portant nrteiles weie 3cveicd, and with proper irglrnl treatment tho man a life might havo been saved. Without such nld, however, he must have bled to death, and there ure Indications that Collins choked to dentil fiom the blood which poured fiom the wound The hands wero covered with blood nnd mud, but this Mves no clue ns the same would havo been tmo whether the wound was self-Inlllcted or made by anothei peison. It would have been Impossible for tho man to havo cut bis tluoit outside tho ctivo whoio he was found and then to have crawled Into tho hole nnd piled the stones up lis thes weie found 1'iom the position In which the hody wns found, ind tho piofuslon of blood Insldo tho envc, It Is very probable tho Injury was In-llicted In-llicted theie, whether by Collins or somo othet person. "Aside fiom tho rut In the thioit thete uio no othci scrl ins Irjurles on the bods Iho light esc Is biulsed the rkln broken and the escball torn open, but thli might have been done against the locks in the cnnvulslvo moments pieeedlng death " |