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Henry Irvln has been on tho stage nearl) tort) six )car Tlerc were rortv two evictions In Ireland Ire-land In the last quarter of lOdl San Krenclsco has one saloon ror ever) twcnt)-two adult mala Inhabitants He My llvlrg expenses are Jai i sear She W hat a waste or mne) '-Life Iondon School Board children ued over 4 OrtCio exercise and copy-books last )car 'there Is a plrcon range near fo An- Seles which every )srs fends nboit lo 10 squabs to the market Two troops of cavilry are stationed In the Yellowstone National park Their du. lbs are to prevent poAchlng and vandal-Ism vandal-Ism Ihe diameter of Jupiter icconllns to Pr f T J J See s new determination Is cs :1 miles that of Mars iVu tnllei and that of Mercur) 2W miles Tlio rotation or a waterspout at the surface sur-face of the se-i has been estimated by Prof lllgelov is 551 miles an hour or nearly six miles a minute Ping -pons has subdued Kaiser W llhetm according to the Lon ion Dally Mad which nsserls that he spenls an hour pla)lng it ever) da) after dinner Duke Carl Thtodor of 13 iv aria the ocu. list 1 rlnce reeentl) performed his lootii operation for cutaract nt bis clinic In .Munich Ills wlfo acted as his astlit-an! astlit-an! Jacob Villery of Plallimoulh Neb , has attended ever) national Democratic convention con-vention since tho Log Cabin campaign nf lei He was burn in tho Rhine Fulls Davarla, In 1)13 The average number of Inmates In Relleeuc tiospllal, New ork Is ecjual to that of a good sized town-tiTat Is It Is from 2t0 to 10c and of tt to a good many aro unable to help themselves U Santa Clara Cat there Is a church built of the wood of a single oak tree The building Is thl-t) feet wldo nnd rev-enl) rev-enl) f ct deep )et when Its construction was iimpletet! 12-.0 feet of lumber remained re-mained unused Mr Prancols Celller the composer has resigned the conductorsblp at the Savn) theatn Ia idon Ho conducted every onern that Sir Arth r Sullivan wrole In eluding H online He joined Ollbert and Sullivan In is S Leo NIH has been luck) In the be quests b has received 1 he) hive so far amounted to MnfviYO or which (ncYlOOO came Ir last esr alone Pope Plus IN In lis longer lomltlcate received from this source onl IliOKO Spain has been havirg a bad time with frnit and snow this winter The snow has been thick In the streets or Madrid and six Inches deep In Huen Rftlro park The orange trees nnd wtigar cine In the south have been serloutl) damaged In digging up the eourtvarl of St James s pat ice I oudon a coffin contain Ing the bodv of a menk wad foun 1 In. geiher with a In of I nine skulls and h i man leu is Tho orTlelsIs ihen remem lerrrl that the palace Is built on tho site of an old leper hospital The strength of the Dover rarrlson Is stale I to be so nhnormallv low that only 't Instea I of v6 troops will remain when drafts now under orders leave for the front Nothing like the present state of iffalrs his been known slnco Waterloo Water-loo Pmf Schubert or Hamburg hn flciirel out that accepting the ordinary rhrnnol nsv 1 nmimimo minutes will haee etnnseri since Ihe birth nf I hrlsl on Vprll th in 10 11 in the forenoon Hermans ire g rg to eehtrnle this event by sending out tleture postal cards Vntlseptlc slates are the thing that the ireful germ feirlng mother hum foi Inr chlielren nnwadsvM Thee are m idn f some light v eight uiaterl it papier mn he perhaps and Ihete Is no templallon to fi It on this slue nr even lo use i sponge on II A piece of cotton llanncl In all that la necessary for an eraser-New vnrk Press r-ephalonh which Is one of the Ionian Islands Is going to he rich tn nn veirs from now Mr Panaghl Athsnaslus ag. llano a native of tho Island te nme rich as a Greek merchant In I ond n and died reeenllv at the ae or l veurs leninc niarlv tUMOtoi uf lhl, B v,"i t , 1e nut nt Interest inr twenli ears after which tie Interest l ti be ,, i ," "hir' Itilile Irsiltutlons I, i ephji nla It appears that there are only lion mer chant steamships In l! e world or over 1 Ions nn 1 repitle of making; twelie knots ?.r".v''r "1 "ol,r ' he W are llrltlsh 110 I rench P. Oerman Amerlein tl Japune.- 11 Italian Oiiteh an I Jl Im" ' (Ireat llrltaln le 1 1, all at spied even In the fast shit s of iwent) knots or onrjtie niimbtr In this iiass being urn 'it si "i'n ' Amnitun ' 1 rench ktA v1 i'IIV""1! coichman anpearel with ' "".el crippe I Mh) p,nnla !nu iihh.i lVrH!,li.,,lM.""eli, possesset ;iich a tail iolt' w oil mum rrepiel Dr,,n,7i I.1 A2. . ,"l".n n""lc M' long while thlt whlnlver I have me hair tin I nke n bad eowld o I thoimhi that now Vi'TiIi"1 i "i. C??M "n m' " wo,"d he the time of all others to go and sel me hair cuttln done ror b that eniirae T w mid save nnseir Just one cow Id 1.x. change ' A shrine or hlslorTln which all Inters of liberty khoiill feel nn (merest Is the little town of Mesolonglon In the wi"ie?n part or the kln.dom where ilurli g ihe reiolutljnugalnsi the lurks In lj v , jo lloxzarls gained Immortalln ll . burled under an InslKnlllcant mentiment near n military hospltnl and n rl. . !i,i?J.bMi"i?iL'in,tili1Ci'",."rl of ""'' )mn who died here! His bony twin i ,n , t t . 1 nalard A monument was i re t, i , llvion ut Mpsolonglon In im Athens I etter to Chicago Iiscord II raid """" Certnln bold eleelers In gsmlnii a m, on races had the eftronle") to ,?h ,n" Supreme Court Justice for in Injinitlm nullum rivals whose opera 1 1 , WI .;,., ting town the gulps of tho tmi t ,1b ,. were lleeclni; a number r , i,,?;,,,.' dupes It seems Inireuul i i i . , i. si hemers should be so Ins i , PI) to the Supremo Cour I ih ,,r,Si Jo protect them from romr tbion in . hu.n s. so plainly I legal", "r ll t p ibli morals Of ou s . :,."' jork 'tribune, " -svew |