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Show Special Announcement to Our Subscribers: It has occurred to the Manager of The Weekly Tribune and The IntersMountain Farmer and Ranchman that many of our subscribers are either miners or live in cities or towns, and therefore desire telegraphic and other current news in preference to any other class of reading matter. Desiring to treat our patrons with the greatest possible liberality, liber-ality, and to supply them with just what they want, we propose pro-pose to substitute for The Inter-Mountain Farmer and Ranchman Ranch-man whenever desired, the regular Tuesday edition of The Salt Lake Tribune, which is in all respects one of the leading lead-ing daily newspapers of the country in size never less than eight pages of eight columns each, and frequently twelve or sixteen pages. Should any subscriber to The Weekly Tribune and Inter-Mountain Inter-Mountain Fatmer and Ranchman desire to regularly receive in place of the Farmer and Ranchman Tuesday's issue of The Salt Lake Daily Tribune, he will kindly notify us by card or otherwise, other-wise, at once. The Salt Lake Tribune Publishing Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. rrj-f you ore In arrears on your subscription, it will be necessary for you to pay "tip U arrearages before, we can make the change above mentioned. Subscription strictly in advance. |