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Show PONY GROWS FAT ON SOFTCOAL DIET This Explains Why Its Owner's reed Ellis Ate Light and Coal Dills Heavy. CHICAGO. Mnrch M' ,n Hege, a oth Clark street butch. Is greatly unnosed by the Insatiable nppetlto his pet flhetlind pony lus shon of Into for soft coal iho pony bioko Iti hal-itJTi-,irnp' lml ,lnill"g the barn door h. ,,'.?.ulrmtd through a holo In the partition between tho barn and a 1 .e l'V.Pr mu"chlng the fuel. ..JLr:. ,'Sgft.Inl'1 h0 ,uia "t 'i loss to S? i "' "" th0 """""illy lirgo amount ?i,T nh " Caml1?' haa ""!(, this win-mm win-mm unti!Jie f?,u"'1 th0 Pony In the coal pin. The discovery explained, he thought, why the pony had been "orf his feed of late, nnd why condition powders had failed to restore Its appe. tlte. In his opinion tho pony had been In the habit of appeasing Its hunger with sort coal for several weeks past. Tho animal has grown fat on Its unusual un-usual diet. |