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Show South Carolina's Confederate Rolls, The effoit to do something now Uf,,,, It Is too late to perfect the Confederal! rolls of South Carolina, and prestrv, them Is being pushed before the bm ernl assembly, Theto Is a great deii to be accomplished and If It Is to k, accomplished nt all It must bo dori at once. The general plan thnt the Con federate veterans and the daughter! and sons hate decided upon will neeej sltnte somu expenses, and tho Leglju" tuie Is asked to appropriate the moneJ necessary. The present rolls are in constant use. and nro In danger of bcC Ing absolutely worn out from dalu flncjerlng. Tho attention of tho general assembly has been called to this by ths custodian, who has mado the sugga, Hon that they be printed in book form! and ndds thnt the sale of the booti would probably pay for the expense In curred The printing of there rolls i. this wny will of course greatly faclu. tato the work that the telerans' organ. Izntlon wishes to undertake, Columkii (S. C.) State. |