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Show WHAT'S NEW IN FURNITURE. Old. Tea Tables nnd Writing Desks-Burnt Desks-Burnt Wood, Drass-IIend Nnils. Old bits-nnt to say 'reeks '-of furniture vihlch enmo under rhu head nf new art. nlthouRh not cxnitly of tho art notiveiu school, vveie In Rreit de-1 de-1 ni mil ns bolide) presents, but havo ben re'eluitil In price In many or the ships now thnt the seison or novelt-seekeis novelt-seekeis la over. Tho bill clocks ot sc-veic sc-veic outline, In brown nsh or turned 01k nre tn be Tin 1 ror J23 Tho weights, iliiilns figures an I hands nre nr brlght-I) brlght-I) shining buiss These clocks me quilnt nnd ettectlve ror hall or lilnlntr-loom lilnlntr-loom nnd belnr sltnplo In rortn nnl decoration or nt least absent c or deco rntion-vvlil nnt strike nn Incongruous unto mo pun Intended! even In 11 room vvhero furniture! Is strictly of onn st)lo or period A writing chilr or table or burnt wood are irfectlve bits ror it corner of the living loom The table hns n binad strip of leulhei t.ieked across the middle mid-dle by brass headed nails The chair newt Isrnvered with leathei which fnlls down below the seat In 11 rrlnge roiniol b) slishlng the leather In strips, "lhe eintei or the 1 hair link Is similarly iidoi ned Another chair nnd writing table nf 1 olished brown woevd with elecoiatlons of while Inliij aie 1 for the two The wide edgn or the tnble bens this Inscription In-scription In old Hngllsh letters 'Then look Into thine heart and wilte A lea tnble which Is patriotic nil I amusing as will as deelil(dl) new. Is In poker work ver rhjIv tlntid The top shows n equate plitute Mirrnun tel In 1 broad border or eiude gu-en 'lhe I It nil Illusliutes the Ilnston lea luitv ' erv blue waves lHge mound a ship from the deck or which a Re nlal Indian with 11 re.it hei in his h ilr Is lealnusl) thiowlng the hlstnilc ta oierboird In the distance can bo seen a row or bright reel houses nn .1 white quav The edges er the table nro palntid a blight and nilve blue. Iho undei shelf foi plates Is p tinted red t one sldo Is u rnw of brass hooks for (trn eups -Phllndelphla Inquire! |