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Show IN THE HALLS OF FAME Majority of Congressmen Arc College GraduatesSelf-Madc Men in Evidencelion. Amos Cummings Writes of His Colleagues, Representatives Kahn, Loud, AMers, Stark and Polk, Who Have Been Heard to Advantage In Some of the Debates of the Present Session. Correspondence Tiihuoel Washington, I) I , l'eb 80 It may astonish many a theorist to learn that theie cue 11M Riaduntia fiom colleges mid universities In Ihe House or Hep n MlitiittVHS im ulwuvs bear or the si tf-iiiade in. u In Countess and vet) lit t lo nt the tollege bud l.veiy ban footed bo) wandering along u lounir) line on his wu) to se lieeol knows that Abinbam l.lncoln was a ilntleoattnnn and a i illsplltln he In familiar with the fact that James dm Held drove a mule nljng the inwimtli tit an (Uilo enu il You would uevet sut llse bllu b) telling tint Ureses H Grant sold wool by He nnd und wciked at Ills Hade us a iiinnei , but this was sevent) five )ents iigo when district tehools wile the inn series nf education und tie tenehei lioudid nioutid with tho I are nts of bis pu lis Nowada)s the aiiideni) Is Usui Ing the place of tbo district school, and the tenrher wearn pleiadlll) collars and Is known as the mastei or the piofossor t ollegis me pearl) ns numerous as wero cltstibt schools )cars ago In no pi ice Is tho change mote nppalent than In the hulls of I ongiess Mote thin half the Sein-tors Sein-tors nnd llepresenlntlvis nie men who hive llnlshed their educations In colleges col-leges nnd universities The White House ma) be terme I an edurutlonnl thermometer. ther-mometer. Piesldent ltoosevelt is u giacluate of Haivard, William .Mi Kin-ley Kin-ley wns a student of Alleghen) college, Giover Cleveland lecelvid Ills eiliun-tlonal eiliun-tlonal training In the shadow of Hamilton Hamil-ton college, Benjamin llmilsoii wns u gi.ulnite of Mlntui uuiviislt) uml Chester A Arthur matrliiilaicd nt t'nlon college'. This brings ua back to the barefooted bo) who used the gad on a canal mule, became n C impbeillto preacher, wns elected tn both branches of I ungues, nnd dually was swoin In ua Piesldent of tin I'nlled States The man with n tlassleal education Is slowl) but sun!) striding to the flout In political politi-cal lire The collehcsme stiougl) remounted remo-unted In tho House The membiishlp Includes fou it pen x.ulc giuduates, nlno fiom the I'nlverslt) of WiMnla sevui fiom llaivmd four fiom Princeton, three from Amheist live from Dait-nioutli, Dait-nioutli, tluee fiom Dowdoln two fiom Hamilton, two fiom I'niuu two fiom Williams, two fiom Cornell and ono from Ubetlin The self-educated bo) however, In still n stioug fcatuie In tbo House of Itepiescnlutlves lie takes n leading pnit In leglslntlon, mid ho leuves n eleui linpilut upon Its pnges Although he has never had n classical education, ha Is usunll) well versed In the ilassies Hucli men have uncoil-sclousl) uncoil-sclousl) ubsorbed the Infoi illation necessary to a successful career, unci orten nre far bettei eeiuippeil to fight the bnttlen of life than those blessed with cnlleglato honors. Htand beio In the south wing nf tbo Cupltol pear the elevutor leading to the hall of the House of Itepiescnlutlves Itepiescnlu-tlves A Bteuely stienm of selt-mndo men Is iniulug along the tnirldor und usccndlng to the lealm ubove. Hclf-iillance Hclf-iillance is Indelibly stumped upon, their fenturct.. Tlu- atep la llrm, the minner conlldent, the courtesy Ameilcnn nnd not Parltiun, uml the lonvetsutlon sug-gcstlve sug-gcstlve of curl) ilnys on the fnrm and In Ihe simp or foundr). Hacb Is nu tbo wn to his conimlttee, where he aids In kneading tho elough of legislation. At high noon, when tin; strum whistles In tho District of Columbia, nre lulling other uui li men from labor to refresh ment, they entci the Houso nnd Mnrt tho orchestrion of d elumatlon. Let mo cnll )nur uttentloti to the robust gentleman awaiting tho arrival of the elevator. He Is clean shaven, und has u clear complexion, u blight hnzel eye, and hair as bushy as was that of lleethoven Ho wears the ptoveiblal frock mat, and has the ulr and tho confident Hwlng of u statesman Thin is Congressman Julius Kuhn of bnn I'rnnclseo Ho Is n real knight of tbo buskin You can bardl) leallzu that fifteen )caia ago bo wns supporting such st n In the Thespian firmament na IMmIii llooth, Joe Jeffeison nnd Clnra .Motrin .Mi, Kahn secureel nn education In tho public schools of Han Prunclsco Ten jo.ua iigo hu wns u barn stormer In Kaciuinento Ho pla)ed n pint In the Lcklslaturo that gave him grent eel it, mil eventually led to his election to Congiias. Genial und whole-souled, bo passes the time of ela) with evir)-bod) evir)-bod) he nu eta dialing a eheoiy atnms-Iheio atnms-Iheio Wheicver goes. Woilh, howevei, Is ii fni stiongcr ingredient In his com-position com-position iimn either lnt!ir or prunella A Root iicloi In his day, he Is a far better Cnngrssmnn Keep )our e)e on him ns he use ends In the elevator nnd illsappeaia tbieiugh the entrance to Iho hall of the House. An hour later ou will find him on the floor enietlng tho lole of a putllot He ailltesses Ills col. Icagiiea on tho pioposlilon provldlng she Itci for oui soldiers In the Philip-lines Philip-lines bifoni the) nre decimated by tlm deadly fevers attending the lain) seu-ni seu-ni Tour montlis iiko he visited theso Islaiids, and iiitulnly knows whnt he Is tnlMiig nbnitt Ilettn still ho baa tho fnciilt) of icceumtelv elese rlblng whnt he has seen In u mil round tone with evciy sIHble dlstlnetl) cumulated nnd every nentence firvenll) uttered nni llliimnleil be plenties the cit) nf tents suneiimdlng Manila Viirm )ou heai cloud hursts nnil thu nish nf waleis In a troplcul tempest You see the Hoops knee deep In mud dtencbcil to tho skin, vainly seeking shelter I.nst nf nil thoke strlpknn ulth rni.. i.nst or nil those stricken with rover me ele puled momlng on their hospltul cola, nnnltlng the last summons Thi ileml maiili follows, the last tattoo and the llnal volley ovir the open grave. ThlH nctoi und sintesman lu eils no ell 1 lomn fiom llarv.ud, lleiilelheig, or tixfoiel to inminenel him to the i eople Ills pntiiotlc linpiilsea are his 1,1. I) This Is his second engagement In Con (.rose Ho is now u stir of tho Hist miMiltildi, and Ib ptnbably booked for mill) it lo-cngngement In Ihe jeara to cullle, California however has supplied blm with a stock company of more thnii oidln-iry nblllt), lleie Is u member of the compui) ut )our left coming out of the entice of tho seigennt ill turns Ho Is Kiigeno V I.oud chairman of the lommlttec nn Postntllcea und Post Honda As lis pockets n ml of erlsp M notes ho niovea townrel the elevutor Ills face Ir ono familiar to all old sold lei s It is the face nf a man who received the sword of Gen Peinberton nt Vlekshing In tho hot July of uui, Veterans nf tho Army nf tho Pntomao, who fought In the Wilderness reeognUe the likeness at nnce Loud himself by tho w i), was u soldier of that army As a member of the Peionel Masai rhusctts cuvnlry ho swept through the villi of the bhinandouh with Phil Bherldnn Yet befnte be wmo the blue he became n sulloi Horn In Mnssa-ehusetts Mnssa-ehusetts he rnllmved ilin example set b) ltlebuid II, Dunn shipped before tho mast, loundecl Cape Horn mil landed In lallfeiriiln Mr Dnnn, crnwned with collegl lie honors, ninde nn effort to lench the Nntionnl Ilousa of Itepiesentatlves, and was beaten by Itenjamln V Dutler, while Lou 1 has already al-ready repiesented Ban rmnclsca ills trlcl eleven )ears, and ought tn be good for eleven jears longer. In many legla inllve res eets be resembles the late Wllllim 8 Holinau He bus the same sonntnle tendencies nnd the same pitsMence In asseitlug them At one tlm be wns h letter-carrier, )el on economic gtiiiiiids he opposes Iho bill tn luiteiise letter i at tier s snlnr) Por )eais lias he en leivored to ttduco the voliimi of bonks und periodic ills inirled us nvctind class mall timtter and has le pcatedl) bee tl defeated lTll-eliRstened lTll-eliRstened b)defeit be peisisted In the cflort At last the Posllinstei Gen oinl inme to his telbr b) milking i ruling that an ompllshed Iho object without legislation Publishers, i rlnt-ers, rlnt-ers, and newsele iters ale In nrins over this Hank move me ut but the) an up patentl) helpless Loud shrugs bis sboiildeis mid smiles gilml) win never the subject Is mentioned It Is baldly llkelv Hu. old svstem will be lcstmed While he is a molllbei of the House No man here has the coitrge of his con vlcllons more theiioughl) Although it veteran with un unstained lemid lie attacks pension bills uubesltnllugl) If not convinced they ale Just nor enu anv Influence, howevei grent swerve him from this nttltu le This may wenken bis popill irlt) 111 tho House lent In llio long run It mikes blm rr-speitid rr-speitid If not fuired li those In-eeuseil In-eeuseil ut bis action follow hlnl Into the House lodav nnd )nu will hear blm nt his best The uigent ilellelenc) bill Is up nnd lie Is bltterl) fighting u protosltloii to liurease the pa) of iu-ral iu-ral letter cut lie rs reemnmv Is Ids Intel ir) l-.lt), nnd bo Is ns Inflexible of purpose us un Artec pilest Ills ur Kiimeni Is nble nnd persistent. You enn bardl) Inuiglne that so ablo a statesmnn his HguiiMl In n sailors hornpipe nn the deck of n ineiclnnt-nnn ineiclnnt-nnn oi Joined In tho song of 111 ii k-e)ed k-e)ed Kusan ' while nwultlng his wntih In the foieenstlo. Willi the grit of a bulldog lie nnkes his fight In Committee) Commit-tee) of the Whole, nnd loses b) tho skin of his teeth You may be sure, however, how-ever, tint this Is not the least or It borne dny this legislation is sine to bo revised, nnd tbo chnlrinnn of the Post-nlllen Post-nlllen rommlttee will be 111 nt the revision. re-vision. V.ven the lawyers on tho flnoi, Iho most of whom are collegium grnd-untcs, grnd-untcs, am apt to Rlvo him it wide berth, foi vvlille n letter-eiirlei he stuilleel law nud was ndmltted to the bit It would surprlso no one If some day he should trnvcre the legal luminary ftom Maluo on a line point of law, nud get n deilslnn In his favor. Now hero Is another pntilot. mnklng his wny out nf tbo postonlio with n handful of letters and newspapers Ho is nno of tho minority In the House a graduate of the University nf Indiana, nnd a native of tho Coiuniouwcialtli that held Klue .leans Williams up In the admiration of the American people. He was n well-known Judge In Hnosler-iloin Hnosler-iloin befnte he cmno to Congress, In flguie nnd iidilreves bo reculls the tnl! s)camoro nf tho Wnbasli Tliero Is tho Mmo snowy mustache, the same, gray c)es, and tho same deliberation In movement Kturdy In physique, leon-Inn leon-Inn In fuee nnd disposition, ruddy In complexion, and gnvo In demeanor, bo Is the beau Ideiil of Judicial dignity. This gentleman Is Hoheit W. Mlera of lUoomlngtnn, tho lending member of the minority In tins Committee on In-villd In-villd Pensions nnd ft lecognlzed nu-thoilty nu-thoilty In publlo buildings nnd grounds. Serving his third term In tho House, he curries much weight with his nsso-elates nsso-elates Ho ought to bo n member of tho Commltteo nn Judiciary. This committee Is fairly swamped with law)erB, and It needs nnother Judge to Rive It tone Mlers In regarded In the House ns the champion of the veterans of the wnr. Watch hlin this afternoon and seo bow mngnlflcentl) ho strides to tho front on the proposition to provide shelter for tho Amerlcnn soldiers In the Philippines before tho rnlny sensnn appears ap-pears Ills speech stirred tho Houso to Its cenlei, and was clinched when his nnmo nppenred among tho sixteen inline lippuuie'ic eeiiiuiiK enu duicc-ii members of the minority whoso votes wero lecoreled In Its favor. Hear his words 'There Is not ft dollar In tho trensury that Is too good or dear for the hoys who fight undei the Htms and bttlpes The respotislbllty Is with )ou," ho shouts, turning towurd tho majorlt). "When )Oii say that this innnty Is needed for the malnteninio nnd support of tho boys upholding the ling, 1 toko ou at your word 1 will votn for the amendment." Mlers is ono of tbo best nnd most pleasing speakers on tbo floor. Ho Is cautions und conservative, con-servative, und wields n corresponding Influence nmong tho thoughtful und considerate. Whllo wo aro talking, nnother sailor heaves In view. It Is many ft )earslneo he Inst bis sen legs. Hu e nines from true Pilgrim stock, nnd wus burn In M)stle, Conn, although n fust inlst, representing n district In Nebraska It Is thlrt)-tlvn )ears since ho spliced tlm main brace and furled his Inst sill Ills education was gleaned front the scrap heaps of knowledge, nt that time i Intrude Intr-ude ilstlc of the iinnmnn schools nr tha Nutmeg Stale This sailor Is nt homo nn tho hlltiivvt nf legislation He is William L. btnrk of Aurora An expert politic nl navigator he Is serving bis third term In Congress The trudo winds of politlenl lire mo tilling his s ills nnd be hns every prospect for nnother nn-other sui'eessful vo)ngo Stark la Htm-I) Htm-I) knit, has a ileal complexion, a, pio. fusion of light hair, und piercing Rrny ei'B On leaving tho ocean ho taught school In Illinois, und nftcrwnrd sold map, sugar, socks and snlaratus In ft dty goods store This experience elrnvo blm In a law school In Chleagn. wbern hlin tei ii Inw school tn Chleagn, whern be liecnmo pinflclent In Icsb than two )oarH, and entered upon the practice nf his profession W llhln a few months, howevir ho transplanted himself to the lllukwater State und was supi r Inteudent of si bonis In Aurora nenrl) two yenis He was appointed County Judge nnd r" elielcd llvo times lie roie he found the trail to tho House of Hep rosenlatlves With an ixperlenrn hero of five )cnrH he Is ono of the lest-omilpped lest-omilpped men on the floor He lecelv cil the un millions Populist vote for Speaker last December Judge Htntk seltoin tnkes tho Hoot but when ho does open lire some thing Is sure to drop In tho last Cmgiesa Gen Grns vcnoi wns Indulging In his usual dally saunter over the plaza of animadversion, animadver-sion, when ho amused himself by shying shy-ing n brick nt th" military remrd of Col William J Hrjnn It vvhUzod pust tho eai or tbo Nebraska Judge lie mule u leply that winged the Ohio stnlesinnn Clad In lucl I phrnsenlog) mid leplele In Ju llelnl lore It was so chastening nnd effective that nothing moie was tn bo said Otosvennr drop, ped bis lulcks mid left the plaz i while Stnrk resinned bis sent and finished his e pWlokiry t orre spondence. Nocv hero nppiniehes annlliei self-undo self-undo mull nnd only "li veirs old As thin ns ft cnseknlfe h has the activity or a Tut tin Ho Is lliifus K Polk of Dun lib' l'a Horn In Tennessee, ho ban served his time In the Iron fnun-elrlea fnun-elrlea nf tbo Keystone Htato and graduated gradu-ated ns u mining engineer. Withal lie was ii lieutenant In a volunteer regl ment In the wni with Hpilu On being must! red nut ho binkn Into Congress This Is his second term Winning the district from Ills political enemies, he undoubtedly holds it through the favor of hla nrmv cnmiadet and nf the men who woikcl tho triphammer at his si le a id who know him ftom tho pupil nf his e)e to tho core of his hrsirt Ver satllo In word nnd m Hon his Impulse's lend blm to the front .where ho be rimes u conspliuous llguic Polk Is ever cm the skirmish line taking hla Intervals nnd doing effective work, The tensto Is nlso well sprinkled with s'lf made statesmen nil nctlvo In legislation leg-islation and ulttni tlni- the attention nt Iho tniintr) borne an healthy, went-thv went-thv nnd recisonabl) wise others Weil-th) Weil-th) mil) The poont me usuall) the wiser Ml draw turtle or less Inspiration Inspira-tion from tin It tolleglate associates, and Indulge In the same dreams of political po-litical advancement AMOS J CPMMINOS (Cop) right lf, bv Vinos J Cununlngs ) |