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Show RUN ON DETROIT BANK." Frightened Depositors Draw Th!. Money from Dime Savings Irt. etltutlon Declared Solvent, Detroit, Jllch , l'eli. 24 A run , iputuq onuavc uosjajjip oqi no pj, of the Dime Snlngn bank about no today, nnd soon after 2 o'clock It sprt In the bank Itself, nt the corner a Orlivvnld nnd l'ort atrets Depositor, were paid ns fast ui the nccounts couli bo checked up nnd tho currency couM bo counted out. At a o clock, the regular hour f,, elosinir the hink It Iran crowded nt anxious deposltora nnd the line of peoji. who wnnted tn close tlK-lr accounts ex tended through the doe.r nnd some die. tnnee down I'oit htreet. lnslend of t losing; tho Innk, the eli rectors decided tn hod upon until I o clock The receiving1 teller nn.l ku usslstnnt dropiwel their tinunl work an nsslsted In pnjInK tho depositors p. til fi o clock art-tiunls wero dosed . rapldls ns possible At Hint hour tho line of people wait Ing for admission to the tnnk extenilM down Tort sttect foi nlinnst n block President Livingston n.lilroised ih.m from the steps of tho bank nnd salt thnt, ) Idle tho bank weitilil now clou. It would open nt ) o'clock tomorroi inornliiB and every eleposltor would k. pibl In full a M It la Impossible to lenrn what wast,, direct cause nf the run It Is sill th. a Polish depositor nt the Jefferson avenue lunnrh iw n sign on the tho, hatuidny iinnnunclnB thnt the bank vvna closed becnuso of its being; Wavh Ington 8 birthday nnd n legnl holHai lie Is said to hao aprond the renort that the hink hm! closet!, nnd thereb? frightened the deposltora nt the branA The nevvB of the run there gradual!! spread down town und Btnrted there! on tho Innk Itself m ni Help vvna Immediately offered by n, other local banks It wns decllnM however, the dime bank haUne nleni. of funds. ' |