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Show If HjgliestMan in Kentucky i' I MARRIED 13 TIMES HAS 13 CHILDREN j H , flic unluiky thirteen, In combination j !j ,)th thr nmrrjins habit, has In ought j ' H,P pr .mining tnmr ot Howard Moore H i lor full stop. H ' t !, the unblushing hushund of H thlrt on wives none ot whom him seen H lit to il iurt thin llto slmo tho inutri- K nonl.l knot a tied hn Is now Inn- j ) guishmg in J'lU with tho probability H ; a t uij years' sojourn In tlie penl- Hj f tcnuury nt i ovlngtnn, Ky, as a mild Hl j niilnti I ir his fatal weakness H j It n mi ln ember last th.it Moors H j ,ct Waterloo Bhi- wus u plump H I nnil rili mlng brunette, 21 irs 01 ng. , H I ,ml nimcil I'nnnli' jtoblnson Ho foil Hj In i m it sight anil thi marriage was Hj t limn ill. in Am r ii married llto or flf- H ' U n iliis Mwic took.umbrago at tho i ' f ( t th it his wlte desired to visit her i ithor, Mho was III He promptly dt -tut a In r. Mis. Moore refused to look at thlnsa In the same light. Hhe swore H out a wnriant for his iinest, mid his H M , Innrr i .Hon developed a crop of wives H and Inillcnlal children that wmld Hj liaic h I up In business the most am- Hj bltlous follower ot Urlghatn Young M I , Mnn With tho Hard race. ( The unlvi'isal fuselnnlor who lias nt- i ompllsh 'il so nun h In o brief a spate of exist o Is Ilia most slngulury hard feitureil inoiintiiliiier to be found if for miles around. lIruad-noed and wide nioutlicd, he lias a complexion like i badly tanned lnalhcr, rf shock ot blink ,, hair, and u pair nt Bloc-black e)cs. A pair of bushy, Irregular osobiowa lend J a pom what sinister look to his faro. lj and a heavy, slouching talt completes It tho unillractlc whole, i Mnoro cherishes no delusions nnent Ids beauty, he explains the whole mutter mut-ter by the power of tho ee ' "Its Ihe way sou look ut a gal," I the simple theory put forward by this Sheurtbrt alter, whoso letord Is thus fur unexnnipled. lieu- Is his st itemenl 'I belief t In men marrying us in iny times as the) want to Tap said that the llililn mil. I lo multiply ami loplonlsli tho jelh It Is us easy to win a vvit-) vvit-) mans henit ns f illln nrf a lug 1 don't J, belleo In long courtships I hcllevn that when n filler gits si nick on a Mil U he ort to ask her to iuurr him right j then, and neor put It off nary d i 2 "It all depends on bow ou look at i 9 gal, the ejes tell the 1 ilo. l.Nery gal rtj Jtdges a m in by his e)ts, and t Jedgo a 'W gal by her iyes The c)cs tulk to cull A othci In llnlr own wus. I Looks Don't Count. m "It does not mutter how ugly a man , ti may be, nor how rugged be ma) be, II nor who he Is, If he knows how to look the gal In Ihe i jes he will win her heart j and hhe will mairy him or die I. vers SL is, gal I eer uxul In miuy me said yes t Hut If I liatlnt nxed em nil at tho inn HI ment our ics looked Into euth oilier i'r scvcrnl uv 'em would have ild no I f alius got tared ot 'em In u llttlo whllo aflir I inairlid 'i m and nllu found a gniKl .x. use to git fioni mi i I loved all u em whin I mairled tin, bill ns I std a whil. ago 1 noon got tartd uv em but thin I would alius soon waul im another wire. I don t like slngh life hII the time nur man led life all Ihe time I alluz like lo try both 1 Intend to marry agin whin I git nut uv Ihls seripe, nnl If I i an git to look Into nil Ibeli eves nt my trial they will tell tho Jedge to turn me loose "Hay, mlstrr, gimme a rhaw m homo spun tirbn.kei What i writ n tbr I don't want my name In the paper but If ye st ninny khI that wants ter marry Bind In i K'l me Begun Mntrylnjt at 15, It was at Ihe tender age of 13 that tin- lliatllmollliil mli robe llrst appeared In .Moons ffUm Itinhil Iiunn aged II i phiymaf or his fmm biibhooil was his earllist vlitlnl in wlvey Tho wedding hud the mnsinl ot Ihe parents anil Inslnl two wei ki A mill brenk-last brenk-last on mninliig i hilled the urdor if the vnuthful hUSbolKl nnd ll d tunip.d A .hlld. the reult of this linl. n Is one of tnrts s exhibits That was In linn Mnorli lb atb I" Ii glnla Pilws II., i:nllnt Adams 10 and Allen Hornet, II, nil suiiumh.d lo the e wllhln two ytais The si ion I he met nt Ida mothers turn nil Hut Monro got tuieil1 In a weik or two and sae for Hi., i hlld. whli Ii win lb human ilncuim nt In eurb inse, the innriliige wns ns If It hud not or been In Mny, Hl, he wedded Husan Klniil ton and iiililed one moro ihlld to bis mist i limit mis fumllv Ix months Inter Nmity I'llcket, a hellt of IB. be-uinic be-uinic Ids In hie ,lnv lasti d for nine das and Momo lied As usil II, off-spllng off-spllng attested the fact, twliw being nnw Ini hulls! In hl luircaslng responsibilities respon-sibilities Several Years Without MnTrylng. He married l'rlsellla Williams In 1S1J to sae hi r from nicking? blackberries for a HUng, and ot another (hlld resulted re-sulted In 1 mj he was the husband of Chailntle I.Mins. nnd Just nt this time his frequent absences In Jail for the gentle ait of nioonslilnlng made ne-ieHBir ne-ieHBir lies In bis innrrlage record MlnerMi llrashoiiis. who lietame his wlft In 1N14 was J6 and muscular, and chsstlsed him fui getting drunk Rhe and I'hoebe Onvlinrt tho next Incuin-btnt Incuin-btnt t ii. Ii tunlrlhiited a child to the Monie dan A wllow Mis .lane Tolsnn, was his next (holto, Hhe was 15, nnd fast Minting Mint-ing enough to hold him for lite weeks but when she Insisted that sho loved him belter than hoi first husband the mountaineer districted her and left A i hlld was bom to the deserted bride Tor n length Interval the murh-niai-rlid .Mnnin n milium! Ill slnglo blessed-ntss blessed-ntss 'I hen he gazed Into Tannle llob-ItiNon llob-ItiNon s tlark ejes and was tost Murled on the thirteenth ill) of the month to his thlileenlh wife this father of thirteen t Midi in who was himself one of u family of thirteen nnd hail been thirteen limes airesttnl for "nioonslilnlng" touihed tho cilsls of his fate And now thirteen editions of the "woman "wo-man sooriKd' an ready to ask the Jury whit II Is going to do about It. |