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Show Odd Dncjles. IWonl deflnlllons, unless ntherntso stnt-oil stnt-oil nre according to Webster s Intern 1-tlonal 1-tlonal Dlctlnnar) Llpplnce tt s Gilctleer or fhllllpss Dlctlonnrj of Hlognphicnl Iteferenee Original contributions villi bo weleomeel, cnmmiinlcatlnni ror this de-pirtment de-pirtment tn be nddressed tn U. It Chan-bourn, Chan-bourn, Lenlttnn, Me KWd-ItUntS. "" " ' Vwvysv5?i3vtr co E f W hit popular song does the picture call to mind? F W LOUAN 10.17 -CHArtADi: The TOTAL nf mv pintrv shelves Are (IM! TWO small hut harel) To everjthlng the help themselves, Sweet sour, salt or Inrelv 80 when I baked ee custnril pie For rear they d help themselves, A rente or pepper red put I, Around It on tho shelves Then I sat mo elnnn delighted, Never dreaming nr elereat I mil supper limps were lighted And twas time tho pie to eat Then I round Iho TWO had tunnelled With n brnonistraiv nnd with lest, And all OM! had crossed In snretv , Woo Is mc! 'V.011 know the re.t mvhtli: J03f-VALi:.STI.VnS JOKH. T II V. M O It F I, A It T K N 1. T A It A I! II T I! K I li I) M S L I. Il S I T i: S V. I P S It It S A M V I II n A T It tr 1: H S K D O O (1 S A On the llth of this month Valentine ventured to propound this ptiule when the gas In the psrlor burned liw An improved proverb muv bo read In the .ibive diagram Iho first letter Is A' an I the remaining twenty letters will he round h rending In order the let ters around the border of tho L llgure when nropcrlv 1 1 iced nn the squire, this figure bring mute of paper to cover seven letters, (our on each of Its sides F. L. S 10JJ -DKCAPtTATION Jos, I am a marrlitg man: 1 ni irry whoever I cm, I'Bly nnd preltv Stupid 1111.I nut) joiihg an 1 ol I I llnd nnel lime. Itlili an I poor all tho same' All sons and conditions or women I seek And my neord is seventeen brides a week! A bigamist' I.nllcs leealin' 1 r 11 . iion t lalse the TW O In nhrm A bachelor I hhall bo till I die, . A inlKigjiiiit ONI, against charm Hut ror llclng the knot I obtain a rat Since i m a mnrrtlng mnn din see' JUSTIN Jl.ST lftO-HAI.P HQITAIIi:, 1 Publlo orriclils lu 'the pnstnl servleo or a Riinrnmr-nt 2 Methods or oxer clslng 01 npplv lug forte 3 Intervals an-irovlmsteli an-irovlmsteli ceilliil to half u major tine on the scale 1 ( hamplnns of tin rlchts and llleortles or the eieopie t 5 5 to ripen 1 M ide expl itfnn ror 7 lei pendlculirs droned (rom one end eif a circular nro upon the radius of the other end s Digits of n root n exlsten e entity or being 10 l.lghteenth letters ot the nlphabtl 11 A letter 1.1. HM DKC 1MI -Tit NSPOSI no.v Pror Shellej bent his shining head I have, some specimens of om he ONUj a coatl If I iinnt forget 1 roni Mexico, where Is the pretn tet lie anseverid with a doste-n smiling no Is .T)lll..os,!, "e,';''"? "f. "" aanropods And those urn TWO In tint compartment nexi Vh. TWO are skulls no doubt I lookid norilexed Those two are biachlopods hut here . nre rllllBI s " " 'Tea blooms have IIIIILHs-iiiiiI pods what ihmIs are theee. Not ani sort or pod this was Instead. Pan nt the armor or a cirrlped Well then, do tell me if all kinds or sin lis Have names thit usinlly mean something some-thing else Ho chanted the subject, told or Ids Intent T" ,'.r.l,i J"'1!" " w "' niinument, Vs shellfish do for ages vet to run 1 said lhe KOUll kin. s tomb would bo outdone, I . Then on a ehirn spine tore my thumb In Jags ' And hurried off In search of five and rigs. M C a loij-nnvFitHt:. A certain insk cnntnliiB wine nnd miter mi-ter In tho ratio or C to ; What percentage percent-age nt Iho mixture must be withdrew!! and water stitistltutid In order that tho ratio of wine to water mav be 2 to 5? F L S. 1CI3-DLLUTIO.V. Up from the dewy grass ere lights the On buov'ant pinion soars tho flute-voiced Higher and higher toward tho night-draped night-draped blue. Where still a 1111 rind tlnv stars are TWO Thn river llkn a rilllLi: of silver-gray (listens below with tho llrst light of clnv, Ills brllll int vest with red and oringo glows I rom slender throat tho liquid muslo TOTAL the echoes Into silvery sound While song wives through tho ambient nir rchitlnd. And neetuie mirvelt nt tho mitchless note That trill on trill, bursts from bis gol len throit. And (lowers look up Uko listeners nil nllve Flute-lhroited warbler, slnco UIOHT heard then I'lVi:. Iho FOCH of envy almost touched my heirt Thit nature gnvo to thee so largo a part or her good girts, jet 'twero Binall SIX tn sigh If true It Is that muslo comes from heaven And will return! then must thou enter BHVU.N M UTLL 10H-ANAOrtAM ALL l'RAIBn WIJ MAItn HIS Is moro (han (rue. Hut grent praise, we give him and nil Is his due For this authoi's namo will endure tlirnugh nil timo In everv linguago nnd everv clime T. II January Solving, Prize winners I Alma Harper MO rirst street. Silt Like Cltv 2. (I or 1) Mrs J A Houghton, ies 1 lrst street Salt Lako ( ll other excellent solutions are neknnwl-edgod neknnwl-edgod trom Mnrr iret M Thtirman. Jen-nle Jen-nle Ilvir, 0car 1 Hooper It II T, Liura K Hell Mrs I. M Hangs IJ P Homer, Nellie 1: rnjlor, Mrs J I rank-II rank-II n A J Dunn Jessie III, Be. C F Pink ham II W Morse. 11 M S -Mrs K Ho 1 mmons I) t! llines, Mvrllo Peck J K I arrabec, Mrs II I: 'league, Lfrie ANSWERS. 102 -Kiiprrme Court, lci2 Bt He taste llW-l Lherr) 5, lied 3 IllllO (blew) 4 Salmon 1 Wine B Ml rnon 7 Iltirr S Pearl 9 Chestnut 10 ( inllml 11 Itnse 12. rink 13I lint red 1102 The only possible Inference Is tint the bird Hipped Its wings ut tho ritci or 521 strokes ror at minutes 103.1-Aeel nn ulon 10.11 1 ftlchnid Carvel Domthy Man-nor Man-nor Winston l hilnhlll 2 Isinc Ite-leknh Ite-leknh Moses 1 PiiulandMrRlnli.il bt Pierre 4 (labrlel tjileuneiese Cvan-gellno Cvan-gellno llellefonlalne 11 W I nnkfellnw. ', lloineo an I Juliet W hh ikespe irn r, Hugh Wynne, Dnrthei Puilstnn, S, Weir Mitchell 7. Orpheus, l.urjdlce. in -1 erpetttnl |