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Show H Wiin'l There Yet. H Wherever one may go, in factory, of H flee or store, 'heie are alwa)s some ems plovies who, no inntter If they reach, H tin Ir pi ucs nf emplo)inent ahead of H time, lu the morning nr at noon, mnke It H ft point never to begin work until tho H clock strikes, tho whistle blows or tho H bell rings, fH Shortl) before 1 o'clock n few days H ni,o u sileswomnn In a largo dry goods H store In tills city hnvlng made a sale, H had ocinsloii to call fnr n cash boy. No fH one lespomled tu her summons. Ju9t then she espied ft boy sitting a short H cllstiince frnm where she stood. H ' Hero boy" sabl she to tho little fel- H low, ' tako this In tho counter and have. H done H ' I nln t hero jet," lepllcd the ynung- H stei, with the utmost coolness and un- H As the woman could not Indues tha H bo) to stir she wns obliged to call for H unnthci Milwaukee Hentlnet H |