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Show SADDLE HORSES WANTED Tor fcouth Africa. Will buy any number nf mares and geldings brnken to ride, any cnlor other than white, from 14 3 tn 15-1 hanels high (59 tn 61 Inches) 5 tn 8 )e,ir old Must bo scrvlceahly sound, close coupled, with good bone. No objection" tn small wire tuts. Liberal prices and spot cash paid for all piuchases. Appl) to CHAS HOLLOWAV. Knutsford Hotel, Salt Lake. INFORMATION WANTED. John whi:i:li:u or uxin. iowa, wants tn tlnd his son Richard Wheeler on matters of importance. ii:i,i.nqui:.vt NOIICK. Tho PI) mouth nock Mining company, prlnelpel place nf business Silt I-aka Clt) Utah Location of mines, Tlntlc mining district NOIICK. Thero aro delinquent upon the following fol-lowing described stock on- actount of assessment as-sessment No 1 ot three mills per share, levied on the Itth day nf Kehruir), 1502, the reveral nmounts set oppeslto ihe names of the respective shareholders, as follows. Cert No Name. No bhares Amt. A. A)ers. M n S3 am -j, A)crs, M II 2ey, Zti 7S II. Hirnhart. J W M W 1 llarnhnrt, J. W 249 TeM 10 Baldwin. Charles 13 arm 6f.) llrown, 1 V M em IH Halley, fl. W SS 100 TO Halle), tl W inn 10 Halle), O. W 112 I'm "Jl Halley. tl W t IM Illlley, (1 W . . . 2 1"0 10 Baldwin, W. II ...302 to 337 tWl 5 70 Ilaldvvln, W. II 333 'M . C. Carson, 1! D lW iron SCO I). Dull')-, Ceo. II. ....... 33 3..00 M.V) rrnzer, Mrs C "... HV. rm l 'n PiiBln, V. J l I1Y1 ' CI. Onff, M. A. HS IV) . Klein, J I .',,. Ill inn 1 so Klein, J. 1! M 1 1W Lucas, r, J ( jtyo ion Little. 1 A 1S1 IM 1 SO M. Moore, Walter SJ na 7 M O. Orem A. J. Trusteo .... S sevj 1 vi iirent, A T Trusteo . , Wl Wl 1 si Orem, A J. Trustee .. 217 wo 30 Poton. C i: .'... HI VH) 1 so Sparks. Mrs C 173 -, 1 VI btrlnger, J T 2il lno 7) And in necordinco wllh law and nn order of the board of directors mi.lo 011 tho fourteenth day of rebruar) 1 112, so man) sharia nf each parcel of such stock os miiv be necessary will be sold ut public auction at tho c.ltlce nr the serretarv, room .35 Atlas block Ball Lake City. I'tali. on Bnlurdi) the eighth day nt March, 1102 at 3 11 cloi k p m, to piy the dellnciuent assessment thereon, together to-gether with tho to.ts of advertising nnd expense of sale, C J McNITT, Secretary of the Plymouth Itock Mining comp my No. MUX NOTICK TCIIt PUIILICATIOV. Department of tho Interior. Land Of. flee at Hilt Ivko City, Utah I'eb J'e, lani. Nnllco Is hereh) given that tho fnllniv-Ing.nnnied fnllniv-Ing.nnnied settler has llled notice or his Intention to make Mnnl proar In support nt his elilm, nud I hut said proof will bo made before the Itegister and Itetelver nt Hilt Lake city, Utah on the 20th el ly of March, 1J02 vlii llomtsteid entry No 12 856 of Oeorgo D Henoch foe tho s 'i of se ij, se h nf sw, 1, sec .1 and nw 1, of ne. it sec i3, tp 1 a , r. 3 w , Ho names tho following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence upon and oultlvoilnn or sail land, viz 1; 11 in Chcmln.cnt Austin M Brown, II T Ppenrer, Ojbom l,e Chcmlnant, nil of Pleas mt Oreen, I'tnh I'UANK I) HOBBH, Itegister L w . Senior, Attorney. rllK Nonci; or .'iHtrT.irunn. 'ako County, Blato of Utah, Keh j, To'Mrs Sarah M Heath -Vou nro here, bv noilileel ihst I havn expenile.1 sixty, seven (M7ll dollars In labor and Improve-n!e".?.,V,,,"5 Improve-n!e".?.,V,,,"5 "". ' l!ulont group of claims in Wlllard mining dlslrkt. Box Llder couni) State, of t'lah. to protect yoeir In. teiest as will .linear by certincuto tiled Dec 1 tube 1 SO, 1901 In Ihn otlleo or the lie. eorder o( said count), In older to hold said Piemlses under the provisions or section 23.1, lleviHS Hl.llulea 11 the I'nlleel Stales being tha amount rteiulreii to liold tli.i sHmo for the vi ir end 1 g imu, and If with. In ninety elivs irim the service or this 1 dlii- or within ninety days after thi nolle hv publkullon you full or reruse lo ontrlbuie su.l proponlon nf expenditure i 11 iw icr 1 urJiilcreHt In said elalips nn it m the prop, n of the sub. nil r under said t ..tlon "121 "" -. N DL1LUII. IM lThe Kind You IMS:1" I Always Bought slmilaung ittcFootl nnilltcti.la- ?I , ,, jjniisSloiiiaclSQiulDovvclsof 4 JjearS tHe J zzzlr J Signature A I'romolcsDigcalionChcctruF- JfV M W ncssannncstCoiilnliisnclllicr nf J Jttt'W Opltim.Morpliiuc norXuicxaL jj wi l Vll T'OT"NUlCOTIC. 2 Mi Wf'P nMofounrSiMvanraim W 11V Hx fwiwer I .4 l,k,itUu- I eSJ - Auk vrfV TlB Jilnnit - n 1 Xt I II 1 lUCMtmnhSHta I ,n 1 1 B ! r I UimSnJ- .1, 11 SJ iMrymfVmr I . Jfr f lit. Hl M IK ApcrifclHomctlyrorConslipei f I V Ir v Ilon.SoiirSloiiwcli.Ui.irrtio&i f I I& Worms.ConviiUious.Vcvcrish- fl gsT Lni flin ness nml Loss or SleO'. J J rUl UV Facsimile Sifinnlurc or )J g 33r&SL I Thirty Year PBPiiQTnRI J tXACT COPY Of WRAPPER.) P WJf Hj I IU I I (No. OSS ) oncr. 1 cm l'tiiiLic.viiov Departmnt nf the Interior. Lnnd OfTlee at Silt LnkoCtt), Utah, January 11 I -. rvollco Is hereby given that tho follow ing. named settler has llled notlco nf his litentlon to m-iko linnl proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Heglster nnd Receiver U S Land ottlcn nt Salt Lnlco Clt), I'tnh, nn March 1. 1102, vis lohn W Jenkins II 1:, No IK 4 dated November 7, P ror tho l.it or Nl.ij. Hli of Nl'.i, and Nh'i or si:ij, nee. :',. tp. 1 s, it j h u M , Utnll Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resltlcnte upon and cultivation nt said I ind viz John llreee, Joreph Coon, Jacob Harelninn Otto Lor. son, all of Hlter, Hilt Like county, t'lah I'UANK I) HOIIIiH, Itegister It. H Ross, Attorney. p776 No. Ml enicr. 1011 i-liilicatiov. Department nf thn Interior, Lnnd ortleo nt Halt Lake Cllv I'tnh, January IS. lit: Nnllco Is hereby given that tho following follow-ing named settler has riled notlco or his Intention 10 make llnal proof in support nt his elilm. nnd that said proof will bo made beforn the Itegister nnd Receiver at Silt Lake lit), Utah, nn .March 10, ivtl viz Homestead entry No, 12.e,Ti of Ornco M. Spencer, for tho HIPJ. Khu Sec. 21, BWl. Hi, HeC 51, NVvl. NWli See K, nnd NlHi NUU Hertton li, 1 p. I South, Rnngo I West, B I. I Hho names tho following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of rnltl I mil, viz, Austin M. Urown, i: II Lo Chemlnnnt, I) II Jn. cobs. Walter Held till of Pleasant (Ireen, Utah I'UANK I) HOURS, Register li. W. Senior, Attorney pli FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. WATCHIIS, J10O TO KM. tle'ARAN-teed tle'ARAN-teed one year rountaln pens, Ilk Is) cents postpaid Write tor catalogue Thomas Hughe). Mercur 1 tali MAIL ORDER HOUSES rnni: SAMri.i'.s or oun clotiiino and gen I eat or mdse West .Mall Order House. M W 1st So , Sail laiko City FOR SHLE. Ono of the best forms In Unit I.nke count), SO acres, well Improved, brick house, good stnblea nnd plenty of water. I'nrms for sale in Utah county. Hear River vulley, Idaho, etc. Writo for particulars. par-ticulars. A. RICIITGR, 19 WKST 1ST SOUTH. SALT LAKU CITY. HINES MERCANTILE CO., Wholesale Commission, Uu)s and sells firmers products of nil kinds Corrcsponelenco solicited. 1G5 E, West Temple, Gnlt Lako City, UTAH NURSERY CO. run line or trull nnd ornamental tieeo, small trulls r 1- shrubs, etc Nuriiery and 11 tc Kins, sr unil , 'ih Lint nnd 12th houth cult e, 3m Allaa lilock. Mall orders or-ders solicited SHEPIIRD BOOK CO. "Ye Oldc llooke Shoppc." ! i'ef, '" , ,l,ook, . '"Otifclu or i schanged Will furnish nnv Isnik, new or old Mor mon ,ind unll Mormon book nnd pirn-phlets pirn-phlets a specialty 2 H HIV.TI. HT , np. posltn Kniitsfnril Salt Like City, iniih TUTTL.E BROS: iii'siNL'ss rsrAni.isiii:i) m. Correspond wllh us W'e will gladly nni friely glut )ou any Information In our HEAL ESTATE. JIORTGAGF, LOANS. 'Jaxen Pild Interest nnd Ineomo ol lected Notariea pulillc. Legal papers OI'FICES: 140 MAIN STEEET. C. II. CROW SADDLERKtl Maniitiirturers nnd dealers In carriage, buggy and tc im HARNESS, Saddlca. Iilankels whips and full line nf horse equipments Repairing a special!). Mall nrdcrs. HAHr I'll' T HOI'TII 91.00 nn Acio, Irrlgiitecl Land,"" Ter month for our fruit, farming and lock linds appeals In you Adelnsa Or chard l..ii.t 10, Orchiid. Idiho. Hiilel rnies, II jr. a nay. W. S. LYNEs bi'tcrbfomo i'mn'l &. 1 ni , II. uiei In WOOL.,, MIDRS, AND 1 LO W I c niinj HI 1'lrst Hast St tbtalc ItJud) ualt Lalio' F. Pltitt C Manufacturers ot and Dealen Harness, Saddles, Col W hlpt lllankets nnd H iddlery Hi 117 111 Htnte St ," Hilt Lake Cln SEARS UTAH SALT ( Manufacture m of and Dealers b and SEED. I'leld and Oarden Seeds n Rpfdi holesalo I-rlces to farmers, ' or Call. M v.: 1st South. Silt Lit JOHN F. BOI Manufacturing Jewell Old Bold mide nlo new s'tlnJ. riliininrid wnik mrdals, cnnravUl elr) repnlrlnir .. . Orders by moll prnmptly tilled. -oD .main sntiniT RowcMorris.Siiniiiicrlia IllKheit Trices Paid for- HIDES, WOOL, SHEEP Pi ri.i:n HkiNS, yt'its. irrt ft a H "rd We t St ', Salt Ul "eoLOS" Usdway's Ready Relief Cures 1 cents Colds, Coughs, bore Thn fluenin, nroiichltls, Pneumonli. I or tho Joints, l.umbnKO, Inll'f Rheumatism, tveuraliria, II leolhache. Asthma, Dlfltcult Bf Itadwa)'s Ready Relief Is a 8.; for Hvery l'aln. Sprain. Ilrulsfi.l the Hick, Chest or Limbs In l'lrst and Is the only 1-lln Reus Instantly stops tho moil exer lalno alla)s Inflammation, and cc Lcstlons, whetlier of the lunits. 1 bowels or other elands or orirani application. Tor Internal nnd External' A half to a leospoonful In hslf of wnter will In it few mlnu" cramps, spasms, sour stomach, ni' nervousness, sleeplessness, sick lit diarrhoea, d)sentery, colic, ffttulcf all Internal pains. , Thero Is lint it remedh. sneot world that will cure fever and" nil other malarious, bilious anelt-vers, anelt-vers, aided bv RAllW'AY S P Hi. liulekly OS RAllW'Al S IIHADJ ,'Ar Hold by UrilRKlsIs , UAUnAT'S DR. c w" HIG0ll3 Microscopic and Analytic ftQ SB YEARS IN SALT LAKljJ SALT LAKH H Microscopic Medical Instl C W. Illggirrt, M. D, M.nigerMil'g 4T. I'LMO IturCU JJ Comer Main and Third &"! Has pracllrod In Salt Lake Cltr ' ly.nvo ysars, and th. wonderful ealabllshed cures ho hns efToctw tlmo provo the sclrntlfio prlnf which his medicines ai. coJT Formlnr diagnosis by the aid ', croscopo enables him to.nsj. msry cause of disease and nt cui.. The Doctor hss cured Ito cases of . Nervons Debllltr. .Mental anet VVrskne.. slid Nervous P.oslr snd will forffll ') for any f! under his treatment which nt cure. .. M ,u All cissies of privat. dlea'fj all old llnrerlnp diseases. wWS tho blood and lmpslr the syi oiiKhly and peimanently cured; , JJ kidney enmplalnt turerf All tWT, cured 'lapowoirn removed ."! o pay Olllce hours, KHol" PI'1isse send for a llt.'L.Iciii Dr. C. W. llliiilus, Bait, Luke C |