Show ISLANDERS ISLANDERS' BIG DAY Sports and Music of Natives Are Enjoyed by Large Crowd It I W was waa S Pacific Islanders' Islanders ta day at yesterday anti and nearly 2000 people took advantage of or the the- opportunity to witness wines some sonic of or the time sports of ot the time native Islan Islanders ers enjoy some Rome of oC the lime native songs and anti take part partIn In m the time reunion of missionaries to time the Islan Islands s of or tIme the 83 sea A program was given late In the lie afternoon Including a i welcome b by George Otone Bowles Dowles the singIng slug sing Ing big of native songs sonG Interspersed with familiar hymns In the thc English language lan inn guage the entertainment closing with wih an exhibition of or swimming and amid diving by y sonic some of oft time the native girls In the time evening also several of or the natives sang songs between the time regular dances ances a mandolin club alternating with wih time the Ut native singers Inger Another big crow crowd Is expected at atWan Wan Wandamere arere today when whon the choirs of ot otI I the Second Tenth Seventeenth Twenty first and ant Thirty first Thirty frt wards the Mutual Improvement associations of or Ensign stal stake e an and the German so societies so- so o of the thc city will vili wi have an outing |