Show I I I TO 10 0 L 1 State Stale Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Sail Sal Lake Lako Iao I City Utah August 1 I. I 1 6 Notice Is Ishel hel hereby b given that hint D. D B. B whose postoffice address is Murray lurra Utah has made malc In itt with will Wih the tho requirements of Chapter Session Ses Semi 1 sion Rion Laws of or Utah 1905 1 to lo appropriate four hundred 10 1 aero acre feet feel of or water rom loin Canyon Canol Creek Salt Sal Lake count county Utah S Said II water waltr will wiil wIl be bo di diverted diverted dl- dl ii h by means of a pipe lure line ne and amid time the Salt Sail It Lake City conduit at a point which bears hears south 33 3 degrees east easl 2073 O. O feet feel distant distant from roar tine the northwest corner of ol th tint tho northeast quarter of ot section 14 H township 2 south range 1 east cast Salt Sal Lake base Imse and arid meridian Iron from where it I will wil be conveyed con for or a 0 distance of or feet and there stored storell In Iii a reservoir reservoir reser reser- voir embraced cec In section 11 n township 2 south range 1110 1 I cast east Salt Sl Lake base and meridian during the tine period from January Januar 1st to December t 31 Inclusive of oC each cach year ear The Tire water so stored will willbo wl bo io 10 released during tine the period from May Iny 1st to lo October 1st of or each year ear and amid used to Irrigate CO 51 acres of or land hand embraced In section 11 n township 2 south range 1 I east cast Suit Salt Sui Lake Lako base baso and andin in meridian or I d Ian This application Is designated In hi the state stale engineers engineer's office as No I All Al protests against tine the granting of oC said Mid application stating staling the tire reasons must be tirade made b by nf affidavit lt a In duplicate and antI flied filed Oell in this office within thirty 2 30 20 days after the completion of or the publication of or this notice CAI CALEB EB TANNER State Engineer r. r Date of ot first publication August lith date thUe of completion of or publication September Sep Sop I |