Show RAISE MANY FLOWERS EnlI Energetic Youths Youth nt at l' l Park rk City Grow Gro Beautiful Sweet Peas Park City Aug 28 A A novel ex experiment ex- ex which has proven a success is the culture of or flowers In this mountain moun tam tain region where until a comparatively comparatively recent recent date It It was thought Impossible to raise even lawn account of or the summer season season season sea sea- grass on in son short and nd nights ver very cool The flowers In question are c at nt NorthPark NorthPark North NorthPark Park the tire summer home of or Mrs vv Yo M. M Ferry where Montague AlI Allen Alien n and anti John Hancock grandsons of or Mrs Ferry FelTY have havo l feet of or gound In choice varieties of or sweet peas The are unusually large with stems sixteen t to eighteen en Inches long a and 1111 In colors that compare fa favorably favorably fa- fa with those raised by hy expert florists In tho the East gast The They are arc making snaking a specialty of or a pink blossom that hat is entirely new lIew and Is the result of several sev sev- eral years cars of or experimenting These enterprising young men nien took up the culture of the tire flowers for or a a. summer pastime but finding their garden had hada hadI I a commercial value alue rc l now shipping sweet peas to the florists of oC Salt Lake and will later hater ship them thorn to Butte Eutte The first seeds were wore put In too carl early this year eat and amid wore killed b by frost so another start had to be bo made which has shortened the tho season for Cor blooming and but three weeks growth of oC blossoms will vill bo be realized Park lark City Note Park CIl City Aug 28 Henry Welsh returned last evening from a purchasing ing trip to New York and other Eastern Eastern East East- ern ein points The Tire old months son of or Mr rr and Mrs hg Peter P. P Harrington of or Empire Empire Em Em- pire canyon canon foreman Coreman of Dal Daly Dahy Judge mine shed died of or convulsions this mornIng morn- morn Ing leg Funeral arrangements will not be made until the arrival al of relatives from Butte Dutte who are arc expected to reach each Park laik Thursday Th A. A H. H Fuelling who wire has Iras been in busIne business bus bus- Ine iness B In Park for fOI twenty five years sold sohl out this week to Alb Albert rt Duerr and will of or nut butter fame leave In a n few days for fOl Salt Lake Mr Fuelling's s falling failing health made madu It II necessary for him to f seek seek seek-a pk a n. lower jiN nl- nl tHilda Ho Lie Intends purchasing purchasing- a a hor Ironic homo 1 In In the tho city and amid taking up ming farming on un a n. small scale scalo William J. J car Rosevear and Miss Sadie Wilson Ilson two popular young people of or Park Parl their theil lends friends b City surprised by to and going getting married Sunda b tire the Mr 11 Sunday by bishop Hose car Is manager of the tile Pharmacy Pharmacy Phar Phar- macy and Miss s Wilson Is the tire agreeable agreeable agree agree- able clerk at nt P. P McPhersons McPherson's store Both have ha hama ma made their home In Park for u a number of or years The They Tirey have ha havethe the tho congratulations of a host of or i fr-i friends on ds Carl surveyor of or the tho Board of Underwriters of the tire Pacific Is in town In iii an nn endeavor to readjust in insurance In- In rates to the satisfaction of or everyone Tire The rate of Insurance I Ivery her is h er very high at present causing considerable consid- consid erable able complaint |