Show 4 FOLK 1 HAS S IllS HIS EYl O ON 4 w THIS IIII Sg 4 4 4 St St. Joseph Mo Io Aug Aut 28 4 Governor Go Folk will be a 0 candi candidate 4 4 date lato for the tho United States senate son sen 4 ate against Jool Joel E. E Stone present pres 4 p ent incumbent accor according to 4 Frank Bowman Dowman secretary of 4 the board of or charities in an 4 4 interview here toda today toda 4 Folk Fok his friends arc are said 4 to bo bu watching tho tim contests for 4 seats Keats in the next legislature 4 with much interest Bowman 4 is a clo close o friend of the tho governor o H and unil his is generally H 4 4 taJ taken cn al an es authentic 4 44 r H 4 f 4 4 L L k |