Show i s I IT 11 is INDECENT r I 1 How admirably the time bureau bureal of slander el I Is With what perfect system 11 it I accomplishes Us its 19 re results re- re stilts The Time Tribune publishes a prepared prepared pre pro pared dispatch from Crom a pretended correspondent correspondent cor- cor respondent In Colorado Colordo In which United States Senator Smoot is quoted as ns having announced that ho and the rest of the time Mormons have Colorado Utah Idaho and some other states absolutely at their disposal and will Avill wt deliver them as they timey see fit ft The man did not nol make mn e any army such statement statement- did not s say anything that could by bythe ly lythe the time smartest of oC honest writers have haAe been tortured Into such uch a statement statement But But there thero It was Avas In cold type Next day it i was Avas as printed in 11 the thc Den Denver r papers pa pa- hers pers and amid the Idaho papers papers' that hint take their cue from Dubois and antI ii a. a little later hater it I found place in the Eastern press and people there who read It wondered how ho hoa a man maim could be so In Injudicious Injudicious In- In judicious as this Senator Smoot of whom thom they read In Iii the dispatches t In Iii spite spie of Senator Smoots Smoot's denial denla I In spite spile spie of tho the fact tact that everyone who knows him is sure sUe he lie never made such a statement or the time thought the printed words convey the Tribune has gone Gone right on commentIng commentIng comment- comment Ing lug on It I and even time the ee Telegram fol- fol lows with wih an nn angry editorial argument ment condemning the time senator and andas andas andas and and- as usual usual usual railing railing at tho the hierarchy That Thal is the system by which the Kearns crowd works worl 8 Having Havins fathered fathered fathered fath fath- ered the lie He they pro provide Ide for Its Is cir cli culaton Then they timey treat it I as the time truth because sonic some one else has accepted accepted ac ac- ae- ae It I In good faith Then they print frenzied fre addresses cs and antI seek seck to secure the Interference of oC other states stales in tho the control of or Utah It I is a common enough custom But Bul gentlemen by by by which 1 we do not mean to address either of tho the papers Impels mentioned men men- Is toned toned-Is is it Il decent 7 |