Show GETTING TAGS FOR MEAT MEATA A Agricultural Department J Ins Has I Contracted Con Con- to Supply Ten reit Millions Washington Aug Au 28 Owing O to the new meat Inspection law the number o of inspectors' inspectors labels used will willbe willbe be more than doubled Already the Agricultural department t has contracted contract contract- ed ell to supply ten millions for the month of S September and after the law becomes effective e this number will be increased to fifteen millions The tag Is about one anti and quarter one Inches square Jt It Is a a. thin sheet of or gelatine with a few linen threads run- run ing through it It On it is printed in blue letters a legend like this UNIT UNITED D STATES INSPECTED I PASSED 07 The number at the tho bottom Is that of or tho the abattoir The inspector simply slaps the lit littie little lit lit- tie tle tag on the piece of meat and the heat an and moisture of tho the freshly killed killed kill kill- ed ell meat makes maltes 11 it stick In a short time Ume the gelatine dissolves the tue linen threads rub off oIT and there thero Is 19 left ett nothing noth noth- In lag ing but the tho print of those blue letters letters letters let let- let let- in the meat It cannot bo be re removed ro- ro moved mo eXCept except by b cutting it off It Il Is absolutely harmless |