Show PRESIDENT POLLOCK BACK IN INTHE TilE THE CHAIR Executive of the Mining Exchange Exchange Exchange Ex Ex- Ex- Ex change Returns From the East PROSPEROUS TIMES THERE Xe v York YOk Market In n a n Stron Strong Position Pod Pol bum tion tOl With lh Good Feeling Toward TO ald time tho Mormons I found business conditions In the tho East Eust exceedingly favorable said James A. A Pollock president ent of or the time theSal Salt Sal Lako Lake Mining exchange on omi his return to tho time chair yesterday morn morn- mOIn Ing ng In truth the thu business world Is Ia moving on a higher plane of prosperity pros pros- perky than has hns ever before boore been heen experienced ex ox- In the history of tho the countr coun coun- tr try This Is evidenced b by time the record breaking bank clearings tho tim weekly reports of or increased earnings b by the time railroads and the lack of oC capacity of ot Industrial establishments to 10 supply s ho tho el e Increasing ever demand for manufactured products Nce Necessarily tho the force behind all al this his rests In iii the thc over abundant crops that hat the tIme country has imas been blessed with TIme The wheat wheal crop has been made and the thc governmental go r reports of the time percentage condition of oC corn and nail colon cotton cot cot- ton on is exceedingly ly high and in a a fortnight fortnight fort fort- nl night ht these crops CrollS will wi have ha e been heen made Country's oln t I S Trade Favorable Fa hIe Well posted oll authorities East are ore unanimous In iii thou their views of or the thc country's coun- coun try's rya trade being entirely favorable fa for or time the next year ear TIme The on only I drawback draw draw- back bac at the time moment Is tho limo money situation and In that particular it I groins to me inc we are arc skating on cpm rather thin Ice Banking interests however claim to ha have hao the time situation well wol In hand han and while there lucre ma may be mone money flurries between now and amid the first of oC the time year em It I Is not likely that anything really serious will develop It I being generally understood that this country coun coun- try Is In a position to 0 draw raw on Eu- Eu Eu rope on balances to the he extent 01 of lort forty millions of or gold and this will willbe willbe wi be done one should occasion require The TIme New Ne' Y York ik stock market is to toI ill I appearances in exceptionally trong position and It I seems to be he a awell awell well wel accepted policy of or the big imig to put on aim a much level The TIme Increase of or the dividend on Southern Pacific and amid Union Pacific while rather spectacular in character will 1 in all probability be followed b by I it tl timer her I 1 railway I wa systems and Industrials wih like Jw Increases and anti In iii this way a lagging public Interest will wi be arous- arous iL 11 d which same public will vill wi take the time Deductive bait and amid swallow until II gorged to repletion and then ns as al always nl- nl I ways there will wi come conic a day day but but that is another stor story We Vc are dealIng dealIng deal- deal Ing at the time present and amid stocks can be he bought now on aim all recessions and amid those who are arc Inclined to Indulge in speculative commitments can caim take advantage t o 0 or tJ thEm the ample amle opportunities that are presented Coppers Duo nie to to Advance A The Tho copper stocks have not participated par var- to any extent but I 1 look for Cor them hemn hel to start an upward movement almost any day now anti and fHI I anticipate anticipate anticipate antici antici- pate that they will wi move with wih great gleat rapidity and break all previous high records records The Time copper topper metal situation could not lOt be hc Improved upon I understand that time the majority o of the big produces es rs are sold well ahead ahen Into the time com com- hig ng year yeam yea and that hunt spot pot del er delivery deliver Is exceedingly difficult to obtain except ex ex- Ct at advanced ad fi figures resI I found the time usual interest in the tIme taah coppers copper particularly Boston loston Consolidated Utah Copper Nevada Consolidated an and amid Ely Cumberland heso stocks being looked upon as most mort prom e for great en- en In value aluc The Tho return of President Pollock Pollocks s being leing made a u plea pleasant ant one iu In II man many mammy ways b by time the members of the time ex exchange ex- ex I change and amid an aim arm army of or clients and that his visit with tho time boys bos and I with the tho big guns of oC the time far East added much to his health I Is visible in lim his rugged apr appearance |