Show n SPORTING t CHAT CHATt CHATi II I By RIXEY I In the wrestling match at nt O Ogden next Monday night nl enthusiasts of or that town will see Mike l Yokel In action D against a man of his own wel weight ht It will b be the first time the little German has been pitted pilled a against a man of or anything anything anything any any- thing like his own weight and the match should be a fairly good one though Yokel will almost c certainly win It Pat Cannon Is a good bo boy boyon boyon on the mat but he ho does docs not know tho the game like Yokel I hasn't the th strength and Is 11 not so o fast It Is a pleasure to watch Yokel work on the mat And In this day when practically everything c In the professional professional sporting world Is fixed fixed-espe- fix d espe especially pc- pc In wrestling and boxing ill It is b doubly a pleasure to know that when you ou see seo Yokel In n a LL match It tt t will be beon beon beon on the square Men considered o ot of ability In wrestling have go gone no up against the German Lerman and have o gone down 11 before the tho prowess of the little fellow clio One Ono thing that strikes ona oni as ns out of place In a wrestler or ot Yokels Yokel's Yo Y kels kel's standing Is that the German arl- arl pI- pI dom says anything of or his ability H HIs He lie Heis lieis is willing to lu meet an any wrestler r o of hl his J weight in the country and has a n. fair fairchance fairchance chance of winning But nut In an nil all nights night's conversation con with the you ou will hear little o of what he has done unless you ask th the lu questions pointedly And then he turns you yin oft off as quickly as its s possible He is clean In it his wrestling and anti clean as a man lie will trill probably defeat Cannon thou though h the latter is a 0 good man at his weight and then Yokels Yokel's backers will hunt around for tho the best In the business busi himsl- ness to send the O a against ain t. t There seems to bo ho trouble browing I in the State league I H rl Margetts Margell Insists on taking th the Salt Lake Laki 1 team up to Pocatello Sunday and anti Monday to pia play the time valley people mud and President Sh Shepard says ays he will do du nothing of the lIw kind The Salt Snit Lake Lal o team has hns a n gain scheduled with the Bells hells here on 01 Sunday The Tailors believe belie they car can stave or oft off th the tho telephone telephone tele tele- phone men and play May them dUIn during th the week But the Bells are arc not In favor ravo of or the postponement and anti want th the game to come o ofT off IT In case Margetts Margetis takes tak s the men north there ther Is suro sure to be a 1 rupture rapture In the l league a ll It would be wiser to sta stay at home nn and play pia scheduled games and go JO in to Pocatello Po- Po catello when there Is In the State league It would he be rather rath rath- er of a a misfortune If IC the time league br breaks up now as It will give I e the Ogden bunch a chance to crow over 01 tho the fact tact that the league cannot exist without Gimlin and his bunch All eyes of are now turned I tc ward toward Goldfield where Battling Nelson Nel Nel- Nelson elson el- el son and Joo Joe Gans Cans will talk timings things over r next Monday l afternoon Pers Personally Personally Person Person- nall n- n all ally I believe c Cans Gans will win It t all n hinges on whether tho the negro IH lt hurt b by the and altitude altitude and I think h he Is Js not The dusky I fighter hits hilts a harder blo than Nelson and is Incomparably fast faRt er CI And Gans Cans can stand a h whole e lot lol lotof lotof of punishment too unless he I Is weakened weakened weak weak- ened by the climate climates As for tor making pounds ringside I see no reason mt why h by he cant can't ma make e it ft with wilh ease ear HeI Reports He- He ports from th the camp amp at the pre present nt I time say pay 8 that he Is down to wel weight ht I but they arc are hardly true for COl H Jt would hurt him to remain at that wel weight ht for forso forso rorI I so o long But Hut that he Is within a n pound or op two of the time weight is certain Jim J Jeffries compares th the two fight fighters rs to toa toa toa a spirited race lace horse and a u dray o with Nelson pulling tho the dray It about defines the speed of tho the two tWI men Gans can hit a n frightful blow blu- blows blows which wf will make Nelson elson wince badly and not take tale them y Spider Spiller Welch elch had it on the Dane and would have ha won worn If he had haul been of or the tile physical up make-up of or the negro But Hut Gans Guns can cOon hit a 1 whole lot harder r than ever the Spider Spiller thought about and can stand almost as much punishment pun pun- as the man who put Hc-go- Hc wisch on the map Odds at present S 'S nt are in ln favor ol of or Gans Carts but Jut will still probably probably ahl ably drop In a day or two as time admirers of Nelson will come through h hI strong toward the last in backing their I man |