Show t. t OHIO'S FUNNY BRIDGE It H Is In Inn II nn ml Ohio City Cir mid anti mil Hns hins Ius Three Ends of Two From Charles D D. Stewarts Stewart's The Tire Great Y and the tho Crockery O 0 In September St. St St Nicholas Right In the tine middle of or a city In Ohio one rp rp r Ie gin U i 1 Its It's eg unto nto another and so the line cJ city three It Js J rc re really ally towns Sitting to each ach other with tho tine waters waLen be be be- t oen them One river rl cI Is 11 the iho murmuring mur mur- inuring ht hurrying along between bet en Its Is big echoing hills his and the theother theother other Is the tine lazy luzy Licking flowing quietly between green geen garden banks M RInd and osier osler Melds fields and antI o overhanging trees hoCk Doth of ot them have mills mis to turn lurn The rhe blue spreads out In the tire sun and antI shines like a mirror above e abo its mill mi darn dam rind antI then It I tumbles down with wih a roar 1031 as ns It I turns the mill mi and ani ant II hurries a away over 01 0 the rocks as If It I Were ere angry at nt being caught and put nt at such a u tas task But lut the Licking spills lUelf smoothly into the tine and ami sings happily at lt its IH work So you see even tho the lazy luzy Licking does not geta get past a t here without doing some work t lor br r tho tine inhabitants are arc vor very Illus Illus- Then the tine rl er river s unite unie their waters and antI make a n stream deep enough h to loat barges balges full ful of or crock- crock fry nn and steamboats laden with all al the things the they make male here down to the Ohio and UltI thence to lo the tIre Mississippi and antI a to tIne the Gulf of or Mexico Now when It I came to building a abridge abridge bridge to Join Jour that flint city together the tIre wise men mom of oC the place saw rw that it I would have havu to be a bridge with wih three ends cuds A A queer quem bridge e that tint would be Indeed toe for CO who ever heard heald of oC a a bridge Idge with more than two ends to It I There Then was WM not nol such a thing In the United States Slates Stales But th they had to have I ll it and atril si s they made mutIe It It And It was wa the tine bridge of or the tine kind in tho tire world except ex ex- C one In Switzerland that thuL Is somewhat somewhat some some- what like 0 IL It- To look nt at It I. I one would woul think that hint each cacti town to n had started u tO build I II a url bridge go out to the others andall amIal arid and all al three bridges had mot mol In the tIne middie mid mid- dlo die of or tire the river Each part of or the bridge had hatI four Cour halwa hallways two hl big onon onea oner for tur horses hones and antI two little ones for people walking It I hail had a shingled roof over all ni tho hi length of oC it H It and windows win win- down dows In tho the sides shies so 80 that it was v a ar r sort torl of het It I rained you yarn ou could go out on 01 the river and be out nut of the tl wet ivet Where here the bridges 1 came together there was a I room out in II tire the middle of the river Ilver with wilh I 4 the lIne twelve hallways hal s opening Into it it I. I Cah you 01 imagine what a n roomful ol of hoi hors sea soa and wagons and anti people that thaI was with whit th the people of or three towns nil ni crossing ci from trail hall hal to hall hail hal as aR ihie canto canine and went In different directions 1 Everybody Lolly in the tInt three purls parts of ur tire the u uell ell city had to connie come out hl here re whenever I th they Y went to ni any of the tire others Amso Am Anti so 5 0 the they nh all ni met In iii the room out in tire iho matter whore where middle of or th the river no they thoy w wore were re coming from or where t tho they were ivere going to |