Show UNEARTHED BIG SWINDLE Robbing Clerks Were cre Systematically Marshall 11 lick eld it Co j Chicago Aug 28 A S-A A 2000 swindle of Marshall 1 Field Co em em- anti and accomplices Is believed to have havo been unearthed today In iii tho the arrest o of H. H 0 O. Sterns H. H LIlIe Leroy ir 11 r Griswell William Baum Haum and Isaac The clerks are charged with larceny lar lar- COO con ceny and the other men man with re receiving receiving re- re and disposing col stolen property of oC It IL The system through h which the tile men are rire said to have havo secured their money consisted ted In the ml misuse uso of ot tho the checks s stor for tor returned property Tho rho cl dorks clerks are aro declared to have havo given ghen the three other oilier men the lie checks with which they thoy secured thousands and which tile the they also cashed at nt times It Is not known how long Jong the novel plan was worked by b the tho men |