Show I SOCIETY The teachers of the Cedar junior and schools held their annual Christmas party at the Escalante hotel on Wednesday of last week Special guests besides members of the faculty were Mr and Mrs W W. H. H Leigh and Miss Dorothy Smith a former teacher who has been attending school In do California A delightful program was presented with H. H A. A Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitz Fitz- gerald acting as master of cere- cere monies It Included remarks on the spirit of Christmas by Oscar Hulet Christmas Wit by Mrs Mattie Mattle Booth remarks by W W. H. H Leigh an Inspiring talk by Superintendent Superintendent Sup Sup- N. N J. J Barlow two numbers by the school male quartet quartet quartet I tet composed of George Hess Eugene Jorgensen Lucian Reed and Lorin l rin C. C Miles community singing led by Mrs Garland Pussy Fuzzy The committee In charge included H. H A. A Fitzgerald chairman George Hess Kess Miss Janet Rollo Mrs Mra Maryott Mary MaryOtt MaryOtt Ott Barlow and Miss Marie Doug Doug- las Miss Dorothy Smith who is at attending attending attending at- at tending school in Berkeley California California Cali CaU fornia forma this year Mr and Mrs J J. Lowe Sevy and Infant son of Reese River Ranger Station Austin Austin Austin Aus Aus- tin Nevada arrived Saturday December December December De De- De- De cember and Prof Arthur D. D Smith of Logan on December to spend the holidays with Mr and Mrs Mra Robert H. H Smith Guests visiting at th the home of Mr and Mrs Clair Macfarlane are Mr and Mrs Allen Richards and andson andson andson son Douglas of Washington D DC C. C and Mrs Macfarlane's father and brother John Quail senior and junior of Montpelier Idaho Mrs Richards is a sister of Mrs Mac farlane The H. H II H. Club ladles held their annual party Thursday afternoon at Marys Mary's Cafe The committee committee committee com com- In charge of arrangements Mrs Pratt Bethers Bethels Mrs Clarence Clarence Clarence Clar Clar- ence Miller and Mrs Glen Froyd Games featured the afternoons afternoon's entertainment Christmas decorations decorations decorations decora decora- were used throughout and prizes were awarded Mrs C. C J. J Beasley entertained the We Ak Club members Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day night at their annual Christmas Christmas Christmas Christ Christ- mas and birthday party Christmas mass i I decorations were featured and gifts were exchanged Games were played with prizes awarded to Mrs Don Draper and Mrs Stanley Bradshaw The ladies of the H. H H. H Club en entertained entertained en- en their husbands and guests at a dinner and dancing party alMary's at al Marys Mary's Cafe Wednesday night The ladies in charge were Mrs Clair Macfarlane Mrs Walter Merry- Merry weather Mrs Rulon Knell and Mrs Glen Froyd Mr and Mrs Durrel Durel W. W Corry are spending the holidays in Mexico Mexico Mexico Mex Mex- ico City Mexico and report having havinga a wonderful time They were ac- ac on the trip by Mr Corry's brother Ellis Corry who has been attending school In Tex Tex- as Mr and Mrs Cordy of I Long Beach California have been visiting in Cedar City with Mrs I parents Mr and Mrs Ernest Webster Mrs Hyrum Perry entertained the members of the M M. B. B W W. Club Friday night Mrs George Gorge Hunter Hunt Hunt- er was 88 in do charge of the program which featured Christmas stories and g games Mr and Mrs W. W R. R Anderson and Mr and Mrs T. T A. A of Salt Lake City spent Christmas in Cedar City the gu guests ts of Mr and Mrs Vernal G. G Jon Jones Mr and Mrs LaVerl LaVed Gurr Ours of Salt Lake City are spending the holidays In do Cedar City the guests of Mr and Mrs DeMar Bowman Dr and Mrs J. J W. W Bergstrom entertained at a I. I dinner and dancIng dane dane- Ing ng party at tary's cafe Monday evening Mr and Mrs A. A W Marshall will leave eave Cedar City this week to tomake tomake make mati tb their home horn in Provo ProTO |