Show NATIONAL s e t S LEADER t a l t OLD om WINDSOR Straight SUNNY SUNNYBROOK Bourbon bon W BROOK From every BRAND DRAND angle anile a great Straight whiskey bu buy Bourbon Try to match CRAB Old Sunny it for value I ORCHARD which II ii h good goodnew t QUART BRAND RAND news new for all Cod No 49 who remember Still P PINT Kentucky bet ber this popular pop imp Cod Cos No BO eo roll Bourbon ular war prewar r whiskey The word Buy soli for better I A QUART Co eo Cod Na N. 7 1 Yf h Bourbon straight from PINT t 1 O Old ld Kentucky Co Cod eoN a 9 l Td'S QUART q Cod No 48 40 p 1 PINT ill 9 cot ww Sd Cod No 47 41 Q t GUIDE I W t o t I I I I I I Ib Ih h 1 le b I 1 1 oi 1 i rM yS lr OF 1 e 1 r S C Copyright 1938 National Distillers Products Corporation Broadway New k l MM BBB W B Mi M B BM B VM B B B B II 1 At The The Theatres Theatre I I P PARKS ARIS NOW PLAYING LORETTA YOUNG And TYRONE POWER In SUEZ SUN MON and TUES 1 G IVA RAINER 1 r GR GRAVET VEr 1 ate d h K us a Jj n HUGH HERBERT q VONEL ONEL ATWILL n t by br Loin Du vI t Show Starts at 4 P P. P M M. Sunday 6 P. P M. M Monday THURS FRI FlU SAT JACK 4 OAKIE OAKIE JACK AILEEN HALEY WHELAN TONY liNN MARTIN MARTIN BARNES BARNES A ru 1 p THORLEY NOW PLAYING DOUBLE roUBLE FEATURE Torchy Blaine Elaine In Panama Renegade Ranger SUN MON l and TUES CONTRIBUTION TO YOUR HAPPINESS 3 fir Show Starts at 3 P. P M M. Sunday 4 P P. P M M. Monday WED DOTH THEATRES Rich Man fan Poor Girl THURS FRI SAT DOUBLE FEATURE Learning Leaning How Now to Lira 2nd nJ el love lore 5 I I f 1 it i Also Panamint Bad Man FOR OR SALE 50 aALE 50 head of sheep JOSEPH M. M JONES Phone Adv D 22 29 pd OUR COAL HEATS HOMES LIKE NOONDAY SUN SUN SUN- THE FUEL THAT PLEASES EVERYONE SUMMER HEAT 4 a HOT COAL CO NE 67 For 66 Years be on lh Telephone 1 o Jl Yen r If you lik lilt Ilk Go Good d Whiskey ask alk for WATER WATERFILL FILL FRAZIER It never di lA I l IA A superb t I W 5 proof Kentucky Bourbon p mad made the tha slow low costly eOy aa method Waterfall Waterfill 3 Frazier Frailer Distillery Co Anchorite hor 1 Ky Mr 1 p MM FRAZIER FAMOUS WHISKEY S II U 4 I Maeser Dalley Dailey J Real Estate Fire Automobile and Plate Glass Insurance Surety Bonds Only the strongest Insurance ce Companies represented Are you having In paying Insurance premiums premiums prem prem- iU Would It be a benefit to you to pay your premiums premiums premiums prem prem- in nine monthly installments instalments with a very small email handling charge I am now In a position to offer you this additional service See me for Full FuJI Details Phone Cedars Hotel Cedar City Ut Ute J iii SALT LAKES LAKE FAVORITE HOTEL LARGE MODERN ROOMS 4 FAMOUS RESTAURANTS DINE a DANCE IN M THE NEW MIRROR ROOM FRIDAY a SATURDAY SIGHTSEEING HEADQUARTERS I I. I ou f E Mrs SK O Wert lo M. M I n ROOMS J A balk lye iu as u u my r 1 r e |